

New Member
What does everyone do about ticks? 1)Wear long, tight clothes? 2)Cover themselves in chemicals? 3) Hit the road when they are out? 4)Oh well I'm gonna get lymes sooner or later anyway?
i just do a check after i shower after every ride. i'll have my wife check my back for me. sometimes i'll check for them right after a ride too to see if i have any freeloaders. i don't wear any special clothing or anything. i normally wear brighter colors just to (1) not get shot where hunting is legal and (2) stay a touch cooler.

if you catch a tick on you, and its latched, you don't necessarily have to freak out about getting lymes.

from wiki:

Attached ticks should be removed promptly, as removal within 36 hours can reduce transmission rates [of lymes] to close to zero.[105] Protective clothing includes a hat and long-sleeved shirts and long trousers that are tucked into socks or boots. Light-colored clothing makes the tick more easily visible before it attaches itself. People should use special care in handling and allowing outdoor pets inside homes because they can bring ticks into the house.

Bug spray, some kind of cap to cover my sweet hair, shaved legs and ride fast so they can't grab on. Oh and a tick check after the ride or during any stops while riding.
Are the ticks as bad in north jersey as they are in south jersey? Last year I was out and had deet on. I stopped in an open path and put my foot down to wait up for some fellow riders. In a matter of about a minute I had 4 on my ankle. If there is such a thing as a nest I guess I may have stepped on one.
It's the ones that you can't see that you need to worry about.
Are the ticks as bad in north jersey as they are in south jersey? Last year I was out and had deet on. I stopped in an open path and put my foot down to wait up for some fellow riders. In a matter of about a minute I had 4 on my ankle. If there is such a thing as a nest I guess I may have stepped on one.

The ticks were really bad up north last year. For a while, I was finding the f'in things in my HOUSE.
This is correct, so make sure you check yourself for the ones that you can't see. Oh wait a minute....
If you're wearin baggy shorts you might want to get a mirror... for a taint check! they seem to like spots that you cant really see too well. and like Mr. Chainsaw says, some kind of cap to cover your sweet hair. :D
I did hear a statistic a while back that if the temperatures stay cold enough for a long enough duration that they poplulation will greatly reduce itself. I hope this happened this winter...

The best stuff in the world is Skin So Soft. ...........O-k, stop laughing now.I'm telling you this stuff keeps all the bugs away and does not wear off while sweating.Even keeps those nasty greenheads away while down the shore.
They are already here, got off the road bike yesterday to wee which was in some brush. Got about 5 miles down the road with the pesky bugger crawl on me leg. They don't mind the cold trust me. Read some where that they are triggered into action by the air that animals exhale, so don't breathe so much when your riding.:D
Got my first of the year today...I was shocked how early in the season. Did my first ride at Allaire since the snow, went across the street and had to ride around some downed trees and shrubbbery...lil sucker musta got me there. Check ya self
90 degree day, with a light west wind at Island Beach State Park. NOTHING will keep those greenheads away!

Yet another disbeliver.I tell you I have been riding down L.B.I. to Holgate on those 90 degree days you speak of.With the wind blowing from the bay/ west.My friends had on the deet spray and I had on Skin So Soft.They were dancing and slapping themselves as I watched laughing- untouched.They also were disbelievers...........................until that day.
Yes, they hang around in grass and plants and when you brush by they climb aboard. Sprays work but most are pretty toxic so I only use them on my shoes and socks, when they get really bad. I get more in Allaire than Huber/Hartshorne, some areas are just worse than others.

I usually get a few a year usually after stepping off trail into grassy or brushy areas. Best thing to do is to check after riding, use a mirror or get a friend to help :D
Lymes can really f' things up for a healthy person. Things went bad for me over a period of years from untreated lymes.
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