Wondering a few thing about trail etiquette?

Northern Ivy

New Member
So I am new to trail riding in place where it can be expected to see and or pass other folks on a given day. My riding roots are from back in the day in upstate NY, around ithaca; where if you saw another person or group you knew they were lost.

In short time riding in NJ; I was wondering about some of the 101 kind of trail etiquette. Such as right of ways, passing (over taking and head on).

I am sure that most of this is common sense but what about hills and technical of camber drop of trails? I hope that I did not miss this in a FAQ; but I am interested in your thoughts.
In general you have 2 rules that will cover 98% of your use cases:

1. Bikers yield to walkers/hikers and horses.
2. Downhill yields to uphill.

As far as 2 riders in choppy technical, flat ground, going towards each other - this situation is so rare I don't think you really need a rule for it.

As always, be kind, and rewind.
As far as tech/off camber sections go...I'd say if you see the other rider/riders before you get into the section pull off to the side and let them get thru. If you don't see each other and both get tripped up remember there is NOTHING wrong with using a do over
3. When overtaking somebody going the same direction as you (either on bike or on foot), try to get their attention before you get too close and startle them. Slow down while you are still far behind and make some noise - ring your bell, flick your brake levers, sing the National Anthem... chances are they'll just stop at the side of the trail and let you pass.

4. Say friendly things like "Hi, have a nice day" as you pass. Amazing how quickly that can turn a annoyed scowl into a smile. :)
Yield to the faster rider! :getsome:

OK, that may not be nice. If you yield before I yield...then you yielded. :D
Be disgustingly friendly to other trail users. Yield, smile, wave, comment on how nice the trail is, etc. whatever it takes so they go home and tell someone that they saw a mountain biker on the trail and they were really nice. Thanks to JORBA a lot of access has been gained over the past few years. All it takes is a few bad encounters and we all could lose what we have gained form all their hard work!
be disgustingly friendly to other trail users. Yield, smile, wave, comment on how nice the trail is, etc. Whatever it takes so they go home and tell someone that they saw a mountain biker on the trail and they were really nice. Thanks to jorba a lot of access has been gained over the past few years. All it takes is a few bad encounters and we all could lose what we have gained form all their hard work!

Be disgustingly friendly to other trail users. Yield, smile, wave, comment on how nice the trail is, etc. whatever it takes so they go home and tell someone that they saw a mountain biker on the trail and they were really nice. Thanks to JORBA a lot of access has been gained over the past few years. All it takes is a few bad encounters and we all could lose what we have gained form all their hard work!

Kill them with kindness....:D
always yield to non biker trail users non matter where (uphill, downhill) unless they give you the OK to go. I always "thanks for letting me pass, enjoy your day" other trail users to death. As far as who yeilds on a flat tech section, just yield the last thing you want to do is get into a game of mtn chicken.
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