I've been working on this for a while. Here is a current map of the twisty section on the Rt.27 side. I didnt highlight all of the outer access trails, as many are overgrown and dont go anywhere useful. This is from GPS data, some is drawn in from a mix of rides I did to get it all. Hope this helps.
I've been working on this for a while. Here is a current map of the twisty section on the Rt.27 side. I didnt highlight all of the outer access trails, as many are overgrown and dont go anywhere useful. This is from GPS data, some is drawn in from a mix of rides I did to get it all. Hope this helps.
Could somebody please e-mail this one and jdog's to me? ifurqueron@ipsdb.com
Got 'em! thanks! 😀
Yowzers! I didn't realize there was so much on the other side of South Middlebush Road! 😱 I'm really looking forward to checking this out now.
Curious... does anyone ever start rides from Canal Road? Tends to be much easier for me to get to after work than the often traffic-clogged Rt 27. although Rt 27 won't be a problem for morning w/e rides.
side note: laser color printers rock!
Interesting... I thought the red trail was "no bikes"? 😕
With any luck, I'm going to get out there Monday. 🙂
Biking is illegal on the red trail, this should change soon with the upcoming trail work being done on the red trail. For now, it's illegal to ride.
The red trail is like Gay Dudes in the Navy.