Smashed up mud crossing


New Member
Couple weeks ago somebody accidentally or intentionally smashed a couple boards on the mud crossing palate after the concrete bridge coming from 27, or jus tbefore it coming from ranger station. Has been getting worse since, with more broken boards. Yesterday when I got there the gaps were unridable with nails sticking up everywhere so I moved the two damaged palates to the side & put boards without nails I could salvage on the ground. It is ridable again, but with the wet season coming I dont think it will be enough. I will bring a saw in next ride to cut the good wood from palates and put it where it gets mucky....but posting as a warning and in case anybody else has better idea for how to fix. I dont know where to get replacement palates or a good access point to get them there.
Heading there at around 5:00 today but taking a newb out so we may not get far enough in for me to do anything today. GOnna bring my saw and if I get there I'll cut up palates and at least get some planks onto the spot that gets softest. Next time you head through there check it out and see if you have any ideas....:hmmm:
I dont think that they were purposely smashed, they probably are just worn out over time. maybe we can build something better than just the palettes.
Was out on Sunday and brought the saw. I cut some lengths from the palates and put them where it WILL get soft soon. Problem is right now with the ground hard they get bounced around when you go over them. SPose we could build a bridge type crossing but we'd have to get some wood to the spot. I dont think the stuff from the palates could be re-used for that. Tom and I (TOmmycrash a.k.a. Canigoride) tried to get bearings on the field near there as an access point but we couldn't figure out where we were in relation to any road.
A nice log ride type bridge like some of the others would be killer there....
I agree. Maybe we can make friends with the guy that owns the house right there?

We are talking about the same spot, right?
Yeah same spot....just on the far side of the bridge there in that backyard with the pond. I get lost at the $%*#@ mall though. DOnt even know what road that house would be on. Suppose could find it on google earth. WOuld suck if talking to the owner of the house backfired though and they opened up about hating having bikers thrugh the back of their property all the time.

THis week is nutz for me I probably wont even get out again until the weekend. I think next time through I will tyr to find a good candiate downed tree or two to drag over for a bridge.
I would suggest that before you go banging on doors or bringing tools into 6 mile, please speak with Jdog here, or ArmyofNone as these guys are very much involved in whats going on at 6 mile. They have put in many, many man hours over there to get that place back on the map. Although your intentions are good, it may pay off to be a bit patient, I think there are some things in the works for a TM date there. I could be wrong, but I think I am right.
I would suggest that before you go banging on doors or bringing tools into 6 mile, please speak with Jdog here, or ArmyofNone as these guys are very much involved in whats going on at 6 mile. They have put in many, many man hours over there to get that place back on the map. Although your intentions are good, it may pay off to be a bit patient, I think there are some things in the works for a TM date there. I could be wrong, but I think I am right.

I couldn't agree more. PM JDOG with the info & he can tell you the best way to go about fixing this.
I couldn't agree more. PM JDOG with the info & he can tell you the best way to go about fixing this.

Just did to both.....had hoped that those most involved there would spot the thread and jump in. Want to help out, and I think Pearl obviously does too, but want to do it the right way & wasnt sure who to PM. Thanks for the help, guys!
you clear out the mud, and lay rocks and mineral soil to bring the level of the trail up above the level of the muck. then ideally have several small bridges within the section at sumps in the surrounding terrain to allow water to pass through and no pool up on one side. sort of like this:

logs and sticks rot eventually. even cedar, which you certainly have plenty of there. i'm sure an afternoon spent fishing rocks from the side of the river would result in an good start. i forget exactly how long that section of trail is. parks tend to love getting deliveries of gravel though, and gravel makes a great base for turnpiking....
will the rocks in place hold when the water level rises? That section amongst others is notorious for flooding.
I don't mean to come off the wrong way at all; I 100% understand how hard a dedicated few have worked to maintain the trails, and take pride in building them. They also have the right to be upset if someone builds or destroys something on their trails. I'm not trying to cause a problem, I don't know if I just had a bad day and I'm tired, but...

You want people to volunteer and help with the trails, but get upset when someone poses a issue that the current trail has?

I think the idea of fixing the issue is barely in the "brainstorming" process. I think mostly everyone that enters the trails (Especially Six Mile) has a respect for the trails and would love to get their hands dirty in order to make it better for everyone. I think whatever is done in the spot with the broken pallettes would be ten times better than what is there now.

I understand that you few do have the final say in what does happen there, and I have no issue with that at all. I haven't met any of the real trail builders out at Six Mile, and I hope that one day I do, but I just hope that everyone listens to all of the ideas of all of the riders that are willing to get their hands dirty. 🙂
I don't mean to come off the wrong way at all; I 100% understand how hard a dedicated few have worked to maintain the trails, and take pride in building them. They also have the right to be upset if someone builds or destroys something on their trails. I'm not trying to cause a problem, I don't know if I just had a bad day and I'm tired, but...

You want people to volunteer and help with the trails, but get upset when someone poses a issue that the current trail has?

I think the idea of fixing the issue is barely in the "brainstorming" process. I think mostly everyone that enters the trails (Especially Six Mile) has a respect for the trails and would love to get their hands dirty in order to make it better for everyone. I think whatever is done in the spot with the broken pallettes would be ten times better than what is there now.

I understand that you few do have the final say in what does happen there, and I have no issue with that at all. I haven't met any of the real trail builders out at Six Mile, and I hope that one day I do, but I just hope that everyone listens to all of the ideas of all of the riders that are willing to get their hands dirty. 🙂


I may have missed where there was disagreement, but if there is an issue needing to be attended to please feel free to bring it up. There is no problem in doing so. It is strongly encouraged. Thats sorta the point w/ all this hoopla.

I have not been out to six mile in a week or so so i have not seen the damage first hand. However if you happen to see something as grosly dangerous as nails coming through pallets i would encourge you to remove that section from harms way.

There are some things in the works w/ regards to more formalized TM at six mile, hopefully sooner than later we will see them.

I know J has been busy w/ many things and im sure he has not seen whats going on in that section as well.

Any materials that can be gathered in the area would be greatly appreciated as im sure an action plan will be developed shortly.

However, honestly, that section baring any serious rainfall will survive w/o those pallets in place.

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