Running With the Foghorn Leghorn

Why do these guys turn the front wheel to one side while catching air? Looks lame
So this look lame?
doing any trick at all while taking a jump on a bike, or snowboard, or skis for that matter makes the whole jump more fluid, more consistent, and less fearful. The whole just waiting in the air for the landing should be avoided.

Totally agree. If you're in the air and just trying to keep straight and land evenly, you're gonna f it up. A little bar twist, tilt, whip, whatever really makes it easier. And it looks pretty cool too.
Looks 5% less lame when it's that high. But just a foot or 2 off the ground? Totally lame

my experience with skiing is if you dead sailor off a kicker, you're toast. a couple feet off the ground trying twisty stuff usually ends up with a bad/ugly landing. but if you just sit and wait for the physics to happen you'll screw it up and end up with a yard sale.
Yes, it lifts and seperates nicely

Yes, it lifts and seperates nicely

Yes, it lifts and seperates nicely

Yes, it lifts and seperates nicely

Yes, it lifts and seperates nicely

Yes, it lifts and seperates nicely

Yes, it lifts and seperates nicely
Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Safe to say @stb222 understands what I'm getting at when I say "dirt jumping". You guys know damn well I ain't showing up in the middle of summer wearing long-sleeves going 15 feet in the air. The second video is what I mean. You know, jumping. On & off dirt. I'd love to be able to do it better but even the little ones at Six Mile make me nervous. Not so much the crashing, since I'll survive that. I'm more concerned about coming up short on the second mound of dirt and decimating the bike. You all know this is something I'd do.

Why does @pearl have 1 shiny wheel and 1 filthy?

Today I spent the whole day at Stewart doing TM with @jackx. Met in Boonton at 9, drove up to Oscar's Lowe's a bit after 10, off to TM by 10:30, then rolled around for 3.5 hours riding the course doing some trimming so that this weekend will be better. This was a decision based on a conversation I had yesterday with @Kirt. I mentioned to him that I like to take what's available as opposed to putting it off until later. This as a general philosophy. I then mentioned that I was being dumb for not taking these free days to go do some work on the course while I had it. So I decided to go today and I was lucky enough to find 1 fool to join me.

During the session I found out that I got the Ohio contract and will be driving part of the way out there after the race Sunday. This means I have to plan the race and the trip in the next 4 days. I've decided to rent a minivan and bring 2 bikes with me. I'll likely need to be out there for 2 weeks which will push the limits of how long any 1 person can stay sane in the state of Ohio. I'm sure you'll read more of this in the weeks to come so I won't belabor it other than to say Ohio can SaD.

After TM we got some pizza then visited the Darkhorse guys. They're helping us out a little this weekend and I wanted to touch the proverbial base while I was up there today. Good guys, all of them. Wish we had more of them in the biking community. After that we drove home, I grabbed an ice coffee, then went to get the kids from kamps.

Speaking of Kamps, I saw @Robin & @SpartaBard again today. Wait, just Bard, not Robin. But I know we were in the same park. I have threatened to crash their BBQ at KVSP tomorrow but something really juicy has come up. So I don't think I'm gonna be able to make it.

On the July front I have almost 49 hours in 15 days. My ass kinda hurts a little.

The Cincinnati area is actually pretty nice. There are some cool bridges along the Ohio River, the city itself is so-so but across the bridge is Kentucky. Its sounds like a hillbilly state but the Mainstrasse Village is located right across from Cinci is a nice area to walk around and eat.
Good beers and decent food at this place.
FWIW, there are very few rollers that I would consider good to jump at 6 mile. Can some be jumped, yes but that doesnt mean they are good to. I remember before they built the boardwalk over the @alex_k highway(rip) there was those "doubles" via two 2-3' high rollers 10-12' apart, all of 12-18" wide. As far as a "jump" goes that was some of the sketchiest shit I have ever laid rubber on and really the last thing I would want to jump. We know the reason there are good flow style jumps in our parks so outside of Mountain Creek, limited options on something to learn on other than the tables at Alexandria.
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