Post your Cat =^..^=

Sadly we had to let go our Bubba today, on top of his insuline resistant diabetes due to a pituitary gland tumor he had some type of tumor in his mouth and he lost a lot of weight very quickly, he was all skin and bones. I can’t believe I won’t have to open the door for him to go out and then come back like 100 times every day anymore, he will be missed. Enjoy your pets as much as you can!

I'm so sorry to hear this Leo - I'm sure Bubba felt your energy and love.
Sadly we had to let go our Bubba today, on top of his insuline resistant diabetes due to a pituitary gland tumor he had some type of tumor in his mouth and he lost a lot of weight very quickly, he was all skin and bones. I can’t believe I won’t have to open the door for him to go out and then come back like 100 times every day anymore, he will be missed. Enjoy your pets as much as you can!
i'm really sorry for your loss.
Thank you all. I never thought I was a cat person, and honestly I don’t think I really am. But those little furry friends really have their way to grow on you.
Sorry to hear. I never was a cat person either, but my wife had 1 when we got married. Now we have 2 since that first 1 passed. It was definitely rough. Didn't realize how attached I was.
not sure if this should go here, wildlife, or frown?
Laser eye Frankie making friends with the bambis.
They sat there for a couple minutes eyeing each other.
I'm sure they've met before.

I could post this in dog and cat list but I will post it here since Melody and Jazmin take full advantage of the fact Shelby is not allowed up the steps to the bedrooms and they know exactly where to hang out to be out of reach. A0D41742-112A-4B63-8299-F58E13C711FC.jpeg
Hey all.

If anyone knows someone who might want to rehome a 1-3 year old cat please contact me.

This is for my mother in law who is fully independent living but just moved into a senior housing and she’s fallen into a bit of depression now that’s she’s not in the house she was with my father in law (who passed in 2018).

I am all for the rescue places but they keep rejecting her application because of where she lives (discriminatory?!) and one place told me I should adopt an elderly cat for her instead. Can’t have her dealing with an older cat that may have medical
Issues and if it only lasts a few years she will end up more depressed.

I don’t want to apply for one under my name and then give it to her so I figured to try here first. She now lives .5 miles away from us so it will be easy to help her get settled with it once it comes home including from my two oldest sons who drive and visit her now frequently.

We have had cats for over 25 years so we know how to spoil them too.

Thanks peeps. !
This guy still reminds me of my boy Butters (aka Butterbean, aka B-Man ...) My wife says B-Man taught us the value of patience - he was my neighbor's cat who couldn't deal with their other animals, so he moved onto our back porch. It took me two years of coaxing to get him to trust me. I spent many very, VERY cold nights sitting outside with him to give him a moment of peace and warmth curled up in a blanket on my lap before I was able to get him to come inside - my neighbor was fine with it as long as he was safe. Once he came inside, he became the most lazy lap cat I've ever seen - he claimed me as his property, much to the consternation of one of our other two boys, Pauly Pawsby. B-Man would shy away from any confrontation except when it came to claiming his spot on my lap every night - if Pauly tried to challenge him for that real estate, he'd suddenly become a completely different animal - willing to fight to the death for ownership of his human slave. I got a FB notice yesterday that it was the fourth anniversary of the day we convinced B-Man to finally come inside the house. He died in 2018 of natural causes (we never knew how old he was when he came to live with us) and the only thing that keeps me from feeling depressed that he's gone every time I think of him is knowing that this little underdog, who struggled for years to eke out a living between his days as a barn cat followed by his being low man on the totem pole in my neighbor's collection of cats and dogs, finally had a life of total luxury and comfort for the last couple of years because he just decided that I was okay enough to be his preferred human for a while ...

Pauly had to go to the vet for removal of an ear polyp today. He was not happy with me about that or being in the carrier, but he was especially not happy with me about the fact that he couldn't eat anything after 8:00 last night. (In Pauly's case, that means he missed about 6 meals ...)

Pauly had to go to the vet for removal of an ear polyp today. He was not happy with me about that or being in the carrier, but he was especially not happy with me about the fact that he couldn't eat anything after 8:00 last night. (In Pauly's case, that means he missed about 6 meals ...)

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franklin had to go to the vet today, too... teeth cleaning and so no food after dinner last night as well.

i'm expecting to be murdered in my sleep tonight.
franklin had to go to the vet today, too... teeth cleaning and so no food after dinner last night as well.

i'm expecting to be murdered in my sleep tonight.
Pauly won't murder me - that'd be too quick. What's going to happen is every time I'm about to doze off to sleep for the next few days, he's going to step on my head and stare at me to let me know he's doing it on purpose. He's a vindictive SOB. It's one of the things I like best about him ...
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