GPS Devices


Well-Known Member
I will be purchasing a new GPS in the future (next few months, probably by March) and was wondering what devices people are using and how they like them. I currently have a Garmin eTrex Vista. The reception is poor, especially in the summer. It is about 4-5 years old.

The main reason I will be using this is to record daily routes for a summer mountain bike camp, and post it on the camp's website so the campers mommys and daddys can see where we went. Since this will occur during the summer I need a GPS that will have good reception through trees.

I am looking into the following models:

Garmin GPSmap76CSX
Garmin GPSMap60CSX
Garmin Edge 305
Magellan eXplorist - 600
Magellan CrossoverGPS - Roadmate 2500T - coming out in Q1 2007
I did a little research on and came to the conclusion that there's no 1 Gold Standard. A lot of people like the Garmin 305, but then a lot of people don't.
I have been through about 8 different GPS devices in the past few years. The one thing they all share is that they suck. Pretty much tree cover is gonna f you in the end. They work great in the fall and that is when I tend to do most of my GPSing. Now, I used it for accurate mapping and not so much for trip statistics so I'm overly bitchy if I have to adjust tracks after I import them into the computer.

I really love(d) my Foretrex 201 right up till I closed my trunk on it and cracked the screen. :mad3: It was awesome cause it goes on your wrist and it's just about guaranteed to get a direct shot at the sky.

My past devices, I'd have to attach them to my bag so the antenna would be sticking out and it was a major pain in the ass. I even fell on one a few years ago and cracked it.
heythorp said:
yes the trunk lid insident really was not a good begining to that ride.

No that sucked balls. I'm actually on the phone with Garmin now getting an RMA for my 201.
the 305 seems pretty cool, especially since it doubles as a cyclometer, mounts right on the stem, and has a built in hr monitor. however, it seems like sean has been getting some funky data recently, and i'm uncertain how vulnerable it is on the stem in the event of a crash.
I've read a lot about the 305 being able to get reception in tree cover.

Regarding the crashed, pad your garage with pillows or something.

Boy this sarcasm is contagious. Lemme go hit that bike shop thread.
I own both the Garmin GPSMap 60CS and the newer GPSMap 60CSx. The 60CSx is leaps and bounds better than the 60CS because of the Sirf chip. With the 60CS I had to use a small antenna attached to my helmut, but with the CSx I just place the unit in a back packet of my camelback and NEVER lose the signal. Even with the external antenna with the 60CS I would lose the signal. This is definitely the unit to get if you want to save tracks etc and create you own maps of your travels, rides etc. Those other units with heart rate and stuff like that are only REALLY good for a very limited amount of things. A lot of people like the Garmin Edge 305, but......very limited. Not for the serious GPS user in my opinion.
kevindef said:
I own both the Garmin GPSMap 60CS and the newer GPSMap 60CSx. The 60CSx is leaps and bounds better than the 60CS because of the Sirf chip. With the 60CS I had to use a small antenna attached to my helmut, but with the CSx I just place the unit in a back packet of my camelback and NEVER lose the signal. Even with the external antenna with the 60CS I would lose the signal. This is definitely the unit to get if you want to save tracks etc and create you own maps of your travels, rides etc. Those other units with heart rate and stuff like that are only REALLY good for a very limited amount of things. A lot of people like the Garmin Edge 305, but......very limited. Not for the serious GPS user in my opinion.

I really don't have a need for the heart rate monitor or anything like that. I am not in a hard core training regiment like Anrothar or anything. My main purpose is to track my route.

Was your reception equally good in the summer with the 60CSX?

The main time of year that I will be using it is in the summer.
Believe what kevindef says.

The Garmin GPS's with the SIRF chip set are unbelievable; this include the GPSMAP60CX, GPSMAP60CSX, GPSMAP76CX, GPSMAP76CSX. You should have no reception problems at any time of the year either outdoors or even INDOORS!

I personally would recommend the GPSMAP60CX due to its smaller case size (relative to the 76CX) and better battery life (relative to the 60CSX and 76CSX).

The GPSMAP series also seem to be of a more robust mechanical design as compared to the eTrex series.
The reception with the 60CSx is fantastic. Even under full tree cover it is tremendous. I personally love to train hard, but I don't worry at all about HR and all that stuff, because I just love to Mountain Bike not matter what. I know how I feel when I ride and know what is going on with my body when I ride. I ride a ton mainly because I just love it. With me, it isn't really considered training. I just go out and do it. I use the GPS for keeping records of my rides, mapping etc. I also think that my Bikes computer is a little more accurate with regard to mileage logged etc. For some reason, it (GPS with mileage) doesn't seem that consistent. My bike computer is more consistent and I have compared it to my cars odometer around the lake where I live. I just think because the GPS is relying on Satellites to provide that stuff there is more room for inaccuracies. Despite the fact that the GPS never loses the signal, this is the one thing that seems to be avery slight problem. I rely on the Bike computer for logging miles and the GPS for everything else.

I use Google Earth on my Macs and PC's. It works GREAT on both. Subscribed to Google Earth Plus for $20 per year. I also use Garmin's Mapsource with TOPO and City Navigator 8.0 on the PC. Needless to say, I am very happy with my Garmin. I did upload some of my Tracks on one of threads here on mtbnj.
Sparta Brad said:
My main purpose is to track my route.

Have you considered bread crumbs?

Seriously, why do you guys tolerate me?

For the GPS guys,

Can you get a compact GPS that's got great reception for a reasonable price? That's the thing. I'd love to get one if the price was reasonable. Those $500 price tags are tough.
normZurawski said:
Seriously, why do you guys tolerate me?

because you are one of the few non-moderators who consistantly post on the boards. believe me, i've had to pull in the reigns to keep heythorps thumb off the ban button, on more than several occasions
Shaggz said:
because you are one of the few non-moderators who consistantly post on the boards. believe me, i've had to pull in the reigns to keep heythorps thumb off the ban button, on more than several occasions

:2guns: yeah i have an itchy trigger finger, i just walk these dusty streets looking for a reason to pully out my trusty 6 shooters :2guns:
If you look around, you can probably find the GPSMap 60CSx for around $300. Then of course, you need software.............It is a compact GPS with GREAT GREAT reception.
the reason my 305 might be getting screwy is: on the two most recent times, it was in a jersey pocket with other stuff, no mount on the cx bike. one of the two most recent, and the only other time it ever went bonkers, was riding down berkshire valley rd along picattiny arsenal. i am 100% positive it has something to do with them and their tower of doom, that sticks up out of our mountain like a big middle finger pointed at all the residents.
i've been looking at that garmin 305 and while i'm pretty sure i don't need an HR monitor (i'd rather not know how close to death i could be from climbing) it's on my 'jake's top picks for 2007' list.
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