God I love Craigslist.......

Not sure where this should go....here, or e bikes are a thing thread.....
Wife gets txt telling her to drop off a bike that I am selling that I know is stolen. “Drop it off at local police station”. I had screenshots to share but afraid to post it for more tracking.

Also, what is sad and startling about this is they mention some personal stuff about our son’s illness to start. Bait to txt back.

Yeah I am always selling bikes or motos or cars.

Is this some new AI shit?
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So a while back I was selling an inflatable jump house. I try to meet people not at the house and was planning to meet the buyer at a local parking lot he asks me like how are we going to blow it up to test out. We’ll do it with a leaf blower. He ends with “can I tell you something”. Ok…. “I have a thing for inflatables”. Immediately blocked.
So a while back I was selling an inflatable jump house. I try to meet people not at the house and was planning to meet the buyer at a local parking lot he asks me like how are we going to blow it up to test out. We’ll do it with a leaf blower. He ends with “can I tell you something”. Ok…. “I have a thing for inflatables”. Immediately blocked.
I guess he blew it...
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