Century for the Cure.
Shaggs beat me to it, but if you can make this ride you can really make a difference in peoples lives. The organizer of this event is Scott Glickman. We share the same Oncologist down at the Cancer Instute of NJ, in New Brunswick. The ride is only three years old and the first year there were only 18 riders. They raised over $30,000. This year we had 57 riders raise $102,000. This is real money that has already been used to save peoples lives.
I was at the check presenting ceremony where Dr. Roger Straier (the man trying to keep me alive) explained how the money we raised was being used.
By funding clinical trials of new medicines there is a group of cancer patients at Robert Wood Johnson Hospital that have shown positive reactions to these experimental medicines. We were shown slides of actual patients berfore & after, and how there tumors have been reduced in size or eliminated. These are real people. The money is being used for actual research to help people.
The drug companies and the government will not fund research like this. The reason? The above mentioned drug, if approved, would cost about 11 cents per day. There is no money incentive for this drug to exist. If places like CINJ can prove these drugs do work, with larger studies, there is a shot to get the government to then provide additional funding. I'm getting off my soap box now because I'm tired of typing, and no one really asked about this.
The ride itself was great. 100 miles with about 5700 ft of climbing. The rest stops were like a buffet of sandwiches as well as the usual energy bars & drinks. The ride starts & finishes at a camp in Warren, where they had a huge barbeque & a swimming pool since a lot of the riders families came by at the end of the ride.
If you are interested in training for the ride we will be starting our Saturday morning shop rides tomorow morning (weather permitting) at 7:30. Probably a 35-45 mile loop 16-18 mph average...no riders dropped.
If you have any questions about the ride, please feel free to call me or Tony at the shop. 732-873-0212
Come out and ride.