Campmor H2H Bulldog Rump 6/24

Did you see brett and i cheering for you guys (ellen and maurice)? We were right at the rocky descent into the finish.

Sorry all I saw was a blurry bunch of rocks and my face smashing into them should I focus on anything else ;)

But I sure heard you guys, thanks for that!

Belated thanks and musings

Gotta pay my full respects to Brett and Fred for sticking it out til the end of my race at Kittatinny. Can't quantify the value of a few friendly faces urging you on. Jess gave me some big encouragment as well as I rolled into the last lap and caught one of the geary guys.

My race was seemingly over before it began, as a fellow SS-er pointed out that my rear tube was poking through the sidewall in two places, I'm assuming from my preride.

Anyway, I figured I'd ride until it went kerblooey, and took it really easy through rocks and downhills, waiting, waiting, waiting...and it never went. Amazing.

Riding like a ballerina through the techier sections and downhills did me no favors placing-wise, but I had a great time anyway.
finishing within twenty minutes of topher valenti is an accomplishment in and of itself. that guy's an animal. i think he got fourth overall last year at the all-a-muchy on a rigid singlespeed.
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