Bike industry failing?

Another one bites the dust.
I’m horrible at finance but good at math, how do those numbers relate to each other? I guess something is missing? I mean other than a lot of money…

All you need to see is the net income and debt. They're in a death spiral.

At least their other division is healthy selling industrial parts in Quebec.

Another one bites the dust.

This one sucks and is a direct result of manufacturer owner shops. We used to sell Light and Motion lightsets to almost every customer that walked in. They were obviously replaced with said manufacturer’s lights across the country. Multiply that with each of the other manufacturer owned stores and L&M loses almost its entire market in 2 years. Plus you can buy a light that’s twice as powerful for half the cost from Uncle Bezos and have it delivered in a few hours.

Another one bites the dust.
Bummer, I've owned a few of their lights dating back to the pre-LED days. Good products.
what happened to trek? Been a while since I’ve looked, but no more prices on their site, nor are any bikes available.
what happened to trek? Been a while since I’ve looked, but no more prices on their site, nor are any bikes available.

Working fine here? Try clearing your cache/cookies.

Too many people work at Trek to keep something "bad" a secret.
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