2022 31/31 Ride daily for bragging rights and a reward. TM / Jorba / MtbNJ /

Seems like this is what it’s all about and this is the place to behttps://strava.app.link/Ya1SgClOIrb
7/16 like 2 hours



3 separate rides in 3 separate parks/areas.

Chill rolling/ shovel work to start at nesh. I always have a wish list of refinements and I knocked off one area that was messed up from the race still and then another poor drainage spot that is a result of poor trail design. Pretty much all of the drainage I have addressed at this park is from piling stuff up on the downhill side and then not back filling it enough.


Grades towards the log and then dug a nic under it.
Put in a little rip finish.
Then, First nica trail ride of the year at Clayton, the work poo riggy has been coordinating it great.

Turns out I had half a free afternoon so went to Water co to find that someone fixed the one messed up bridge. That may or may not have been me.



And then saw mtbnj’s most famous birder and finished out the red loop with him.

So 2 hours of riding and 1.5 of TM, felt efficient today.
Day 16 - Embracing Norm’s easy day philosophy and stopped several times to take in the sites.

First stop was to watch a funk / boogie band in someone’s back yard. Singer even called me out and appreciated I stopped to watch a couple songs.

Went through a couple of local parks and the vibe is …. Covid isn’t done. But we are done with Covid. Lots of folks having fun.

Lastly … This well has been here since the American revolution (~250 years). Was hit by a truck last week that ran off the road and displaced it from foundation. Not best pic but u can see the historic sign on ground and original foundation a little to right of where it’s resting now.

And lastly. All those bands performed at a little HS in Scotch Plains between 1968 and 1971.
16 of 31 - saw two great blue herons today. Watching them fly down the canal like it’s a runway for a 787 Dreamliner is something else. I’ll catch a picture of it some day. Instead of a large flying thing caught on camera, I caught a tiny flying thing.

https://strava.app.link/btziyTNdIrbView attachment 190233
there are 3 of them between 6 mile and Princeton. So majestic when they take off and just sail. Looks effortless. I have a video of me riding along side of one somewhere.
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