Strictly METAL

First metal concert checked off for me. It was awesome and Metallica sounded great. Might need to goto Guns and Roses next week...
getting out of stadium an absolute horror show both nights. Never park in American Dream and take the stupid tunnel!!

It doesn't matter where you park, MetLife is a shit show. My wife worked there summers for the past few years and it's seriously always horrible. The further away from the building the lower the employee's IQ is.
Overkill was a highlight for me, I've been a fan since my dirtbag 80's days, continued through my dirtbag 2020's days. Best part is now my son is a fan after seeing them bring it.

I was a fan until DD became our landlord, then I was less of a fan. I would’ve liked to see them but I had work until 4 so I wasn’t there early enough.
Anybody interested in these two tkts for a zeppelin cover band at Starland SEP 28 (
got them for free last time I was there )

I Can put them in the mail for you

That would be sick, but Kiko is so friggin’ good too. I’m probably just as excited to see him. Also, Biohazard is opening!!
Maybe ill see ya there. Pretty excited. Went to both Biohazard shows in NYC, its like they never stopped playing together.
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