Qr Law Alert !!!


The Quick release bill is rearing its ugly head again. This bill is being proposed to make it illegal to sell a bicycle with a quick release. This was originally supposed to be for 20" wheels or less. But now it will include all bicycles.


-note that its passed Assembly and its in the Commerce Committee in
the state senate as of yesterday. We ask all riders to contact their
state senators.
Here are the municipalities in case you are not sure of yours:


List of senators by district:


And finally since the bill is in committee contact the chairperson
of the "commerce committee":


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wait, did i miss something? it says "unless it is an adult specialty bicycle". that seems to be very, very subjective to me and i'm reasonably sure i could argue that all of my bikes are adult specialty bikes. the catch is the under 20 inches thing and that applies even to the adult specialty bikes.

can someone clarify before i send an email to my wife's brother's girlfriend's grandfather to protest this.

and in case you're wondering i did see ferris pass out at 31 flavors last night. i think it's serious. 😀
Excellent, thank you Frank.

Will the bill if it passes the Senate ban the sale of bikes? Yes, technically speaking it will ban the sale. This is due to the amendment in Paul Moriarty's Assembly bill that states:

At the sponsor's request, the committee amended the bill to make the sale of any type of bicycle equipped with a quick release wheel an unlawful practice, unless:

· the bicycle is equipped with both, a primary and secondary retention device, and

· the secondary retention device meets certain standards designed to prevent the accidental separation of the wheel from the bicycle fork.

You might be thinking that the tabbed tips on the fork are a secondary device. Apprently not (read paragraph 1):


So, the message that you should telling your state Senators is that this bill, as written, could ban the sale of mountain bikes within the state of NJ. I trust that Mr. Moriarty has good intentions when it comes to childrens bikes, indeed, its one thing to require bolt-on wheels for childrens bikes, but an adult is capable of safely operating a quick release with 15 seconds of instruction or less. QR's are strong, safe and tool free, and I don't want to start carrying a crecent wrench into the woods when I need to change a flat.

In my opinion, the legislators simply don't know any better. Its time to educate them.

Thanks to everyone who contacts thier state Senator in opposition to this bill.

p.s. Fox is coming out with Quick Release for their "36". The Pike already has one. This bill would make that fork illegal in NJ.
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wait, did i miss something? it says "unless it is an adult specialty bicycle". that seems to be very, very subjective to me and i'm reasonably sure i could argue that all of my bikes are adult specialty bikes. the catch is the under 20 inches thing and that applies even to the adult specialty bikes.

can someone clarify before i send an email to my wife's brother's girlfriend's grandfather to protest this.

and in case you're wondering i did see ferris pass out at 31 flavors last night. i think it's serious. 😀


The bill was amended. Check the amendment's language. Its really not subjective any longer:

"At the sponsor's request, the committee amended the bill to make the sale of any type of bicycle equipped with a quick release wheel an unlawful practice..."

also, the part about "specialty adult bicycle" is applicable to wheels 20" or less

"Under the amendments, the sale of a bicycle with a front wheel diameter of 20 inches or less is always an unlawful practice, unless it is a specialty adult bicycle which meets the above specifications."

I believe that we *might* be talking recumbents or unicycles, as an example, since I believe they have <20" wheels.
damn verbage.

this is simply insane. mergs, i'm sure you're on top of this but do the major bike companies know this is going on?
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i sent this to all of 'em:

Good Afternoon,

I am writing to urge all of you to vote 'NO' to Assembly Bill No. 2686. As written this bill does far more harm than good for cycling in the State of New Jersey. Not only is this an unnecessary requirement of a wheel retention system that has been proven safe and effective but it severely limits consumer choices in the state. In addition, a bill such as this can do nothing but damage an already stressed local bicycle dealer that already must compete against the internet. You will effectively FORCE consumers to buy out of state and on the internet.

Again, I urge you to vote NO to Assembly Bill No. 2686.
i sent this to all of 'em:

Good Afternoon,

I am writing to urge all of you to vote 'NO' to Assembly Bill No. 2686. As written this bill does far more harm than good for cycling in the State of New Jersey. Not only is this an unnecessary requirement of a wheel retention system that has been proven safe and effective but it severely limits consumer choices in the state. In addition, a bill such as this can do nothing but damage an already stressed local bicycle dealer that already must compete against the internet. You will effectively FORCE consumers to buy out of state and on the internet.

Again, I urge you to vote NO to Assembly Bill No. 2686.

Jake, good job man! thanks!
The Quick release bill is rearing its ugly head again. This bill is being proposed to make it illegal to sell a bicycle with a quick release. This was originally supposed to be for 20" wheels or less. But now it will include all bicycles.

Typical -- Yep, the Nanny Government of NJ must be busy in Trenton -- they also have a bill out to make aluminum bats in baseball illegal in NJ. Its all for the children, you know.

How about a bill that requires box stores like Walmart & Target, etc, send their employees for certified training on proper bicycle assembly. Those improperly assembled BSO's (bike shaped objects) are the most dangerous things on the road, IMO.
I just received the following email response from the Assemblyman in my district: "Bill A2686/S2837 is presently in the Senate Commerce Committee, I would suggest you contact Assemblywoman Nia Gill, Chair of committee, with your comments."

This bill is now in the Senate Commerce Committee. The sessions are open to the public. I'm trying to find out when they will be hearing public statements and opinions about this bill. I plan on attending! I'm stunned to find the bill, which as drafted to include effectively *all* bikes (not just kids bikes) with Quick Release wheels, actually PASSED in the Assembly. There is specific language in the proposed bill which makes it apply to bikes with wheels greater than 20" diameter. That's the portion of the bill which MUST be stricken! Please email the Senate Commerce Committee with your thoughts!
I just received the following email response from the Assemblyman in my district: "Bill A2686/S2837 is presently in the Senate Commerce Committee, I would suggest you contact Assemblywoman Nia Gill, Chair of committee, with your comments."

This bill is now in the Senate Commerce Committee. The sessions are open to the public. I'm trying to find out when they will be hearing public statements and opinions about this bill. I plan on attending! I'm stunned to find the bill, which as drafted to include effectively *all* bikes (not just kids bikes) with Quick Release wheels, actually PASSED in the Assembly. There is specific language in the proposed bill which makes it apply to bikes with wheels greater than 20" diameter. That's the portion of the bill which MUST be stricken! Please email the Senate Commerce Committee with your thoughts!

Here is a link to Nia Gill:
Man this bill is like the energizer bunny two years later and it's still going and going.....

At least it's back to only applying to 20" wheels or less.


njleg.state.nj.us said:
AN ACT regulating the sale of certain bicycles with quick release wheels and supplementing P.L.1960, c.39 (C.56:8-1 et seq.).

BE IT ENACTED by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey:

1. The Legislature hereby finds and declares that:
Children riding bicycles with quick release wheels have been involved in accidents; and
The danger to children caused by bicycles with quick release wheels is unnecessary in light of the fact that alternatives exist.
It is, therefore, altogether fitting and proper that the State regulate the sale of bicycles with quick release wheels for use by children.

2. a. It shall be an unlawful practice for any person to sell a bicycle with a front wheel diameter of 20 inches or less, which is equipped with a quick release wheel, exclusive of specialty adult bicycles.
b. For the purposes of P.L. , c. (C. ) (pending before the Legislature as this bill), "quick release wheel" means any bicycle front wheel which does not require the use of any tools for wheel removal.
1c. Nothing contained in this section shall be construed to apply to the sale of a bicycle equipped with a quick release wheel by an individual, provided the sale is an isolated or occasional sale of a bicycle by a person who is not regularly engaged in the business of making retail sales of such bicycles and the bicycle was obtained by the person making the sale, through purchase or otherwise, for the person’s own use or the use of someone in the person’s family.1

3. This act shall take effect on the first day of the seventh month after enactment.
This is insane. Everyday there's something to piss me off. A year ago (or was it 2 years ago) it was closing Round Valley. Yesterday it was swine flu. The day before annoying co-worker annoyed me. All last week it was all the rain and the stuff about global warming and the ozone layer. And today this is it. 🙁 Jeez!!! Happy thoughts. Happy thoughts. 😱🙂:popcorn:

So it comes down to them worrying about nothing and not worrying about something important like, jobs and taxes.😡

Rich control the government the media the law.:hmmm:
Oih! And to top it all off, my computer crashed as I was typing my email to them. Now I am mad!! 🙂 I am giving out quick releases for Halloween next year to everyone.
Well at least it made it by the SPAM Filter 🙄:

Thank you for taking the time to contact my office to express your
legislative concerns. I respect your opinion and appreciate you taking
the time to express your views. Your opinions are important and I will
definitely consider your ideas when making any decisions on this matter.
Please continue to keep me informed.

However, due to the high volume of emails received, we cannot always
respond to each email individually. If this is a matter that needs our
immediate attention, please feel free to contact my district office at


Nia H. Gill

New Jersey State Senator
34th Legislative District
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