MTB on the weather channel

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Stan LeCupp

Looks like an interesting show on the weather channel this weekend. "Epic Conditions" Moab Mountain biking. Sunday March 18, 2007 9pm.
Great show! Did you see this past Sundays episode on Waves at North Shore Maui?
Those guys are sick surfing 60+ foot waves. Can't wait for the Moab episode this Sunday.
that'll be cool.

i'm waiting with bated breath for the episode when the explore shaggz' garage.
Moab on weather channel 9pm tonight

Set your DVRs. Moab at 9 pm,.....

Anyone watch the Tour de Nice on verses today?
So, what did y'all think? I saved my trainer ride for the night, and started with Galapagos on Discovery, and switched to Moab to polish off the ride. Pretty interesting, though 30 mins seemed a little short.
don't know - my tivo preferentially recorded galapagos instead, or else i'd offer to make you a copy.
I have to be honest, I wasn't too impressed with the show. Most of the footage is from DVDs that I already own and they tried very hard to maintain a "weather channel" feel to the program. I'd rather watch a Discovery Channel Moab special and a couple NWD dvds and call it a day.

Crap, I completely forgot about this. Does it air again some time?

Do you have a Tivo? I can make you a copy if so.
No Sir on the Tivo. If it was worth watching I was going to ask if someone could ftp an avi file of it to me, but doesn't sound worth it. It's too bad, that program seems to have potential...

I have to be honest, I wasn't too impressed with the show. Most of the footage is from DVDs that I already own and they tried very hard to maintain a "weather channel" feel to the program. I'd rather watch a Discovery Channel Moab special and a couple NWD dvds and call it a day.

Do you have a Tivo? I can make you a copy if so. that was a good freaking show. The show was so intriguing and it was interesting to see how each island had very different types of climate and lifeforms.

Epic conditions on the other hand. Like jason said, i have seen it all before. although the weather stuff i didn't not know much about.
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