Lewis Morris Vid


New Member
Here's the LM race video, Ive been having problems uploading my usual settings to the site so I downgraded it to a lower bitrate,thus resolution suffers a bit. For what's it worth, here's somethingto get you accupied while waiting for results. I hope it'll be accurate. :roll: :roll:



I will post another link once Im able to upload the video using higher bitrates.
From one Orbea Alma( I am sure you know Alma means soul) brother to another I have to tell you that with all this crap going on with the results it really makes me feel great to watch this and appreciate just riding, even though I am in this for like 3 seconds it still doesn't matter. Great job and I hope you stay inspired to keep doing this. Thanks again.
From one Orbea Alma( I am sure you know Alma means soul) brother to another I have to tell you that with all this crap going on with the results it really makes me feel great to watch this and appreciate just riding, even though I am in this for like 3 seconds it still doesn't matter. Great job and I hope you stay inspired to keep doing this. Thanks again.

Right on !! I wish I felt better that day and made it more exciting. As long you guys appreciate the videos, I'll keep posting em. If there's any expert/semi pro racer out there who wanna document his race, you're welcome to it just PM me, a 2 Gig memory runs for 1.5 hrs and the cam is pretty light, I use a medium helmet.
If only I can get fast Eddie to wear the helmetcam, I'd like to see his Point Of View during the race. 😉
Excellent Video ...

Great job once again Oreo, even though you had said you were'nt feeling well, I still think you were faster than those guys we saw. One rider from black bear was working his way up and you got on his wheel, than a rider closed the door on you (sorry old MX term) 😉 You rode really good. LOL I even saw the branch that put the tear in my rear side wall tire on the 3rd lap. Thanks for sharing,

Christina ... 🙂
That would be really cool to see the perspective from a semi-pro or pro, there must be someone out there who would do that....
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