Leg Cramps


New Member
Went out for a ride on Saturday😀. It was a great ride until my legs cramped up and would not stop:drooling:. I was still about 1 mile for my truck. That sucked and I do NOT want that to happen again. Is there something that could help with this problem. I have done longer rides and not had problems. Help please. I don't know what caused it.
Hydration? Food? Be sure to have plenty of fluids and drink plenty of fluids. You may not be sweating as much bc of the temp but you still need to take in fluids. Its also good to have something to munch on along the way.
I don't know how old you are but as an older fart I usually take a Centrum Performance Multivitamin/Multimineral Supplement. I try to take it once a day, when I remember and definitely at least an hour before I ride. It helps with the leg burning/cramping issue. Also, very very important, you might be cramping because your dehydrated. Even though its cooler outside and you think you don't need as much water, you still have to drink as if it were warmer outside. Can't stress enough about keeping hydrated. I'm not a doctor, but this is my two cents that helps me. Good luck.
I have the same problem with cramps. I found the thing that works best is pickles. If I eat 1 Dill pickle a day I don't cramp, I've even heard of some places selling the juice. I was also just told I might need more magnesium and potasium so I'm popping thoes pills to see if they work. Nothing worse than a 1AM leg cramp
Did you drink enough water? Even in cold temps you can still get dehydrated.

Always drink enough and have something to eat. Bananas are a good source of potassium.

There are a bunch of health nuts here that can be more specific. luckily I have just cramped once...in the st00pid '05 All-A-Muchy race 😀

If you need you can take magnessium or potassium suplements.
used to get em a lot

1) take a multi-vitamin
2) Camelbak makes tablets that are awesome for that. They are a camelbak safe alternative to Gatorade. They work great.

3) The Vitamin Shoppe has a homeopathic (spelling?) answer to leg cramps.

I take this stuff after a hard ride.....excellent.
Good luck
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Went out for a ride on Saturday😀. It was a great ride until my legs cramped up and would not stop:drooling:. I was still about 1 mile for my truck. That sucked and I do NOT want that to happen again. Is there something that could help with this problem. I have done longer rides and not had problems. Help please. I don't know what caused it.

How hard was the effort on the ride? total mileage? How much riding have u been doing lately?
I think it's a mix of hydration, food and supplements. When my first 100 last year I kept the water flowin, ate whenever possible and took lots of e-caps and some advil and it worked like a charm. I had the feeling cramps were coming on but they never did in 10.5 hours of saddle time...
Hydration? Food? Be sure to have plenty of fluids and drink plenty of fluids. You may not be sweating as much bc of the temp but you still need to take in fluids. Its also good to have something to munch on along the way.

That does include your favorite cold one
salty foods

i usually only experience cramps in really hot weather if im slacking on any of the above items.
I am 23 years old. I drink about 70oz of fluid and eat 2 or 3 gels in a 8-15 mile run. I do play on the harder trails of Ringwood. The guys I ride with realy push the pace (for me, the rookie). I do eat bananas (at lest one a day). I guess that means I need a supplement? Thanks for all the info. You guys are the best.😀
If it only happened Saturday it might have been the cold. Did you stretch before? You might be fine with Icy Hot or something like that
salty foods. seriously. you can drink all the water you want, but if you're low on sodium you won't absorb much of it. cliff bars have a good amount of magnesium in them.
Would you believe,..

salty foods

i usually only experience cramps in really hot weather if im slacking on any of the above items.

You are very accurate with your statement. However, you could be low on Iron and Vitamin E,...both, when in deficent, causes cramps in highly trained athletes. Also, taking a multimineral is wonderful,......but one should also take a "trace mineral" supplement 3 times per week.
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