

New Member
Howdy 😀

I'm moving down to the Tom's River area of NJ in April and thought I would try to make some new friends. I've haven’t ridden since my high school days, and am really looking forward to see what NJ has to offer.

I guess my first question is? Where the Hell am I. Is Tom's River Central or Southern Jersey? 🙄

Now that we have that out of the way. I will be browsing the site trying to find good shops in the area, as my first priority will be to get a bike. Also I am not sure what there is for riding in my area. Anyone who wants to PM me, is greatly welcome to pass on your own shop experience or riding area's. Until then, I'll be browsing what the community has to say and lurking 😎

Also, Will provide Beer and limited grilling skills in return for local knowledge =)
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I would consider you south jersey. But the peoples from the south consider me north. Sooo who knows. There is plenty of good mountain biking in your area! Id check the trail directory just to see exactly how close you are to the trails. I have never ridden the road down south so ill leave that to the experts.

Ill let them tell ya about shops also. However i will tell you about Halters Cycles. Im in Halters about 2 to 3 times a week. Halters cycles is in south brunswick (more central). Jdog is the owner and hes always on the boards. Great guy, will help ya out with anything.

/wave ArmyOfNone

PS- I forgot to mention, I am most excited about riding around with my dog, so I will need to find out good locations that are not crowded. Places you can ride with your dog, and not bother others. From what freinds tell me, The Tom's River area is semi-rural if you get a little inland. Now I just need to find the feilds and trails.
welcome ot the site. don't listen to AON -beware of the halter's crew, nothing but trouble i tell you 😉.

Nice to see you made it over here. I live a couple blocks from the seaside bride. I tend to ride Allaire and Clayton. I've seen other bikers with dogs at Clayton, so maybe there. Also, one could ride Labanon state park and Kings Grant. Begining that you are "new" again, this will be good places to start. Hope to ride with ya once I get over this darn stomach flun and bronchitis. later, NJ Jess
Isnt there a park off Fischer Blvd? Catus Island maybe? I have been there, not to many trails but always alot of dogs there. I think there is a dog run somewhere over by the Blueclaws stadium
Nice to see you made it over here. I live a couple blocks from the seaside bride. I tend to ride Allaire and Clayton. I've seen other bikers with dogs at Clayton, so maybe there. Also, one could ride Labanon state park and Kings Grant. Begining that you are "new" again, this will be good places to start. Hope to ride with ya once I get over this darn stomach Flin and bronchitis. later, NJ Jess

Dogs off the leash at Clayton is a no-no for sure.

I saw a ranger give a lady 2 $250 tickets for having 2 dogs off their leashes there a few years back. (I know the amount since she was screaming at him.)

I don't think you can legally ride with a dog at any of the places you would want to ride..

Why yes

Isnt there a park off Fischer Blvd? Catus Island maybe? I have been there, not to many trails but always alot of dogs there. I think there is a dog run somewhere over by the Blueclaws stadium

Catus Island! Ha, I live down the street from this place. It seems so short. Where over by the stadium?
Catus Island! Ha, I live down the street from this place. It seems so short. Where over by the stadium?

I think its on the backside of Ocean County park. You can see it from New Hampshire ave, its on the north side of Rt 88. I've never been there but I think thats where its at.
Alright, well this is it.

Signing off for the next week and a half as I get my things in order and move on down the the "Garden State".
Dogs off the leash at Clayton is a no-no for sure.

I saw a ranger give a lady 2 $250 tickets for having 2 dogs off their leashes there a few years back. (I know the amount since she was screaming at him.)

I don't think you can legally ride with a dog at any of the places you would want to ride..


Holly crap! I guess I lucked out, I brought my dog there once or twice and let her just run along, she's good that way staying very close to me. Phew, gald I didn't see any rangers.

Dogs off the leash at Clayton is a no-no for sure.

I saw a ranger give a lady 2 $250 tickets for having 2 dogs off their leashes there a few years back. (I know the amount since she was screaming at him.)

I don't think you can legally ride with a dog at any of the places you would want to ride..


I have seen dogs off leashes every time I'm at Clayton. I have never seen a ranger there. If I had a dog that could keep up I would let him run behind. You have a better chance of getting a speeding ticket on your way there.
I have seen dogs off leashes every time I'm at Clayton. I have never seen a ranger there. If I had a dog that could keep up I would let him run behind. You have a better chance of getting a speeding ticket on your way there.

I have seen the rangers there many times. Often they are seen riding a Kawaski Mule 4-wheeler thing. Trust me they were there to give us hell for night riding a while back too.
I think I have seen a ranger at clayton 90% of the times I have been there. Either on the trails or in the parking lot, they are there quite often.
Ok, It's official.

I now live in NJ. Took the last week of March off, and spent the whole time skiing in VT and NH. Moved down th Jersey on April 2nd. Now I just need to go buy that mountain bike I promised myself I would get.
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