Vibe - Slang a feeling or flavour of the kind specified
Now the Vibe I refer to at "Fun" or "Cool" events are the guys "Promoters" who have a sense of humor, have no attitude, put their personality into the events (example.... Sarah Frost after preRace announcements would say "Everyone raise your right hand, pat the person to your right on the back and say have a good race"), also state "You have jobs nothing we have to win is worth getting hurt for" ... I could go on and on about the "Personality or Vibe" whatever you want call it can be applied to an event.
Norm I know you've only really been racing the past couple years right ?? But guys like Chris G, Ryder X, Dan, and a couple other guys who I'm sure I know from back in the day know what I'm talking about. Sarah Frost gave ever promoter something to strive for as usually her events were well run, personalized to the racer where you felt as though your weren't just another 25 bucks....