BIYF 2022/2023 - Even less frills


Well-Known Member
1h 53m
+:30 Dirt
+:30 Lights

2h 53m

Couldn't find a Grinch or liquor that I wasn't drinking.


Johnny Utah

Well-Known Member
This is not directed at you, but I forgot a huge portion of this to save my sanity: The participant is responsible for the bonus and the rules. If you post something in violation of the POSTED rules, including a bonus failure, you forfeit that ride (not just the bonus, your whole ride that day). Keep doing it and you is out. If you are unsure then tread at your own risk.

I know it is not a friendly move, but I do not know how many times I have hosted this and this becomes a huge issue for the host. Participants “throw you know what” against the wall. Yeah - not this year.
Bonus only used once?.....

Or can Jim Lahey blow up the contest riding at night in the woods with a bar block of Jack in a Grinch suit every day?
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