Bike Tunes

I used to use one on the road. I dont anymore, mostly because I am sick of listening to music, but also it is a little unsafe. I used pud style so I could take the one on the left out, so I could hear traffic better.

To be honest not a great idea in the woods either. But to each his own. I have never used them in the woods. Hearing what is going on with the bike is part of control for me too. But heck what ever works for ya, go for it.

oh yeah, i bought some cheapies, sony's for like 15 bucks, they are going to get soaked from sweating
i have an ipod shuffle that i ride on the road with. i find the road to be painfully boring to ride, and when i'm doing hills its great to have anthrax in the background.

as for the woods, the only place i was comfortable trying it was LM/PP and i didn't really care for it.

but, to answer your question, i picked up a pair of like $15 sonys that go over the ear and they stay put pretty well.
ride soundtrack

I don't ride with music playing, but I'm very conscious of what I listen to before I ride, particularly in the car on the way to the woods. Usually something driving/aggressive/heavy. When I get it right, the ride has a great "soundtrack". This has gotten me through some deathmarch races particularly.

The worst thing ever is getting some lousy pop song stuck in your head during a ride. This once happened with a Hootie and the Blowfish song and the ride became cruel and inhuman torture.😱
ChrisG said:
The worst thing ever is getting some lousy pop song stuck in your head during a ride. This once happened with a Hootie and the Blowfish song and the ride became cruel and inhuman torture.😱

The entire All-A-Muhcy ride was an endeavor in my daughter's Music Together songs going through my head.

Roo roo roo roo, sing roo, sing ho-ke-dink-um.
normZurawski said:
The entire All-A-Muhcy ride was an endeavor in my daughter's Music Together songs going through my head.

Roo roo roo roo, sing roo, sing ho-ke-dink-um.

during the LMC and for about a month afterwards, i had 'blue's got a baby brother' stuck in my head. that was fun.
during 24 hour races, when i start feeling like my race is run but there's still 8 hrs left, i get Clutch's Impetus into my head and put my gameface on. i couldn't see myself riding with headphones though.

jdog said:
Don't lie.. You love Hootie.
Anyone ever see the "Mothership Descends on Hootie Concert" article in The Onion? Hysterically funny.

I have a hard time imagining that I'd like the feeling of earbuds when I'm riding in the woods, plus I agree that hearing what's going on is a part of the sensory input/bike control equation for me.

Music would be nice on those solo 3+ hour road rides, though.
I use music and intervals to make the trainer easier to stomach. But I keep forgetting to change the CD in the basement, so it's a constant repeat of Radiohead's Hail to the Thief for like 3 weeks now.
Indoor riding music

normZurawski said:
I use music and intervals to make the trainer easier to stomach. But I keep forgetting to change the CD in the basement, so it's a constant repeat of Radiohead's Hail to the Thief for like 3 weeks now.
I rely heavily on music in the basement, particularly for interval workouts on the trainer.

I always hope to avoid the indoor riding as long as possible once this time of the year rolls around.
ChrisG said:
I always hope to avoid the indoor riding as long as possible once this time of the year rolls around.

My sugestion would be to go absolutely crazy getting your bike setup right. I've been tweaking and fine tuning for a few weeks now and it makes a huge difference. I ended up putting more blocks under the front wheel to raise my handlebars and tilting the seat forward a little more. Also, I did the inseam measurement and saddle height adjustment, and the KOPS thing for front/back saddle position. It went from 60+ minutes of uncomfortable riding to being able to ride 90 minutes more or less with no mental duress (but it's still a trainer).

One of my big projects for the offseason is to get all my bikes setup as close to each other as possible. At the end of this summer I realized my road bike is a much different setup than my mtb. The mtb is mucho comfortable, while the road bike puts too much pressure on my hands.

Back on topic: music!
normZurawski said:
I use music and intervals to make the trainer easier to stomach. But I keep forgetting to change the CD in the basement, so it's a constant repeat of Radiohead's Hail to the Thief for like 3 weeks now.

Hmmm. How do you manage to keep spinning during "We Suck Young Blood"?
mtbdawgJeff said:
Hmmm. How do you manage to keep spinning during "We Suck Young Blood"?

By that point in the CD I'm well into my intervals. It's really 2+2=5 that gets me going. That's a good pre-game song, along with LL's Momma Said Knock You Out. A hair old school, admittedly. But still good stuff.
I ride with the ear buds (over the ear type) on very rare occasion on solo rides, but find that the music tends to become a bit distracting, particularly on more technical rides, though dead of winter rides at Round Valley with music are kind of cool.

That said, I keep the volume really low and the music rotation ranges from stoner rock to death metal.

Sean - I also tend to have something by Clutch (love those guys) going through the head while I ride (though not quite at your level of riding). Either that or the theme song from Thomas the Tank Engine...damn kids.

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