'08/'09 season thread or something.

Also hoping to stretch my season out to the first weekend in June 🙂 I'll be in Colorado then so hoping A-Basin is still open, or I can find a pass with some good base![/QUOTE]

If A-Basin is not going you could always shuttle Loveland Pass off Rt6. Just try to find some one to guide you there are a few spots you can get in a bit of trouble. Its a great place to get some spring corn.
Got at day @ Mtn Crick yesterday totally last minute. Went up after my son's game in the morning w/ my buddy and his son. Rode South all day. Sunny, slushy fun. Not too many people there. I think for the hill's size, what they did with the rails, jumps, half, etc is really good. Makes something very fun that would be pretty boring without it.

I'm not a rail banger at all but had fun trying out a bunch. Not worrying about being snaked and landing on ice helps. My son was even trying the boxes up on top and loving it.

The blue can bump jump was fun and I could've hit that thing all day.

Almost died on one of the mid sized tables when I definitely didn't have the right speed and landed almost at the bottom. Good thing the landing was so long and I at least got a little tranny.

All in all - we were all real stoked that we went.
Got a couple more days in @ Stowe this past weekend. Sun was out is about the most positive thing I can say overall. Higher temps and I'm guessing some rain last week provided for an ice and scratched off surface to ride. There was a window each day from about 11:30 - 2:30 where the sun warmed up things and made it somewhat managable and the sides had some corn piled up to actually carve on.

But, that's what makes an east coast rider/skiier - really thinking your lines, making the best out of the situation and knowing how to use your legs to get the most out of your edge.

More than likely that was my last resort snow trip this year. Total came out to 20 which I'm pretty happy with. And I'll be trying to get up to Tucks for 1 or 2 more days.
Being that I have been exploring Jay Peak since I was 15 , (and i have afree place to stay) I have never been to Stowe. I stumbled on this film this AM.

Pretty cool:


It's funny, just flip Stowe and Jay and that's the same for me - although I think I was 19 when I started riding Stowe in college.

That film was done by Meathead which have put out some really great movies (the only bummer is they are ski only 😀). My college buddy was in Schooled years ago tearing it on telli skis. Epoch is an absolute joy to watch and is a must for any New England based skier/rider as it has so much great info with some incredible old footage. I'm guessing you've heard of them but if not: http://www.meatheadfilms.com/

I've heard real good things about Jay from guys where I know that they know what they are talking about snow/ski wise.

For me, Stowe just works really well. With my kids - there are a lot of solid blues that don't have any crossover trails and the mtn just flows well. For me as a snowboarder - I hardly ever come on a flat section. When there is new snow the runs off the main quad have a ton of great terrain with great pitch. Then there are the runs in the in-bounds woods and then the side and back country stuff. I would really love to take a winter off and live up there and just learn and ride everything at that place. I am sure Jay has the same scenerio.

Then there is the extra snow being a little further up north - Jay gets that effect even more so from what I've heard. And the lower kook and crowd factor.

And this is just the snow part of it. I could ramble even longer on the mtn biking up there 😀
Tux Avy

So I was debating to go up to Tux this past weekend. I decided to pull the plug since they had snow earlier in the week and forecaster 80 degree temps for the weekend it sounded like primo avy conditions. As expected the idiots where out and this fine example was caught on camera. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RW_ekQSiPTA First of all, F'ng retarded to be boarding right next to a fracture, second disgusting to hear people cheer at the sight of an avalanche. Kind of makes me want to stay away from that place all together.

Also, "Keeping it Underground, while keeping it hyphy" One of the best ski edits I've seen this year, truely blows away how far the sport has progressed. No doubt in my mind which sport is taking it to the next level http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4OqaNj8fkYY 😀 :getsome:
First of all, F'ng retarded to be boarding right next to a fracture, second disgusting to hear people cheer at the sight of an avalanche. Kind of makes me want to stay away from that place all together.

I wanted to go this year (as well as years past) but it's like when spring hits I just want to get the trails in order and ride bikes. That clip makes me feel like I made the right move. I was astonished that people were cheering on that vid. And the guy trying to ride the slide?! He's been watching too many vids with AK footage. Wonder if he's ever seen the damage a slide can do or talked to people that have been in one and keep saying - "I'm so lucky I'm alive".

When I went to Tucks many years ago, I remember the talk by the Ranger in the parking lot about the dangers up there. We had fun but we were definitely trying to keep it safe.
Last weekend for lift served in the Northeast. Killington is closing 5/2 and Sugarbush 5/3. Anyone getting in on that?
When I went to Tucks many years ago, I remember the talk by the Ranger in the parking lot about the dangers up there. We had fun but we were definitely trying to keep it safe.
Last time I went, I guess it was two years ago now we went up midweek. I think that's really the time to do it. Just locals and people who know what they are doing, it made for a much different experience. Also early season is nice, although the avy risks are much higher.

Last weekend for lift served in the Northeast. Killington is closing 5/2 and Sugarbush 5/3. Anyone getting in on that?
I miss the good ol' days of them being open till June :getsome: I wont be on snow again till this summer, have fun if you go this weekend!
I'll be skiing on Sunday, I just wanted to point that out 😉

In other news, my local mountain has a Wednesday night beer league that I am seriously considering doing next season. I haven't run gates since '94 when I decided that poaching the "snowboard" park was more fun then racing... I might just race in my twin tips but am also considering picking up a pair of race skis. Any suggestions for a good bang for your buck GS ski?
You could probably get a good deal on volkl racetigers which were a killer ski for that crap people tend to race on (all that soft fluffy stuff I caught this winter has now made me regret living in jersey). I have limited experience with race/GS skis so YMMV, but they felt really quick edge to edge and would bite into that yucky stuff well...
volkl racetigers

Cool, I'll definitely look in to them. I generally steer away from volkl since I find them to be a little over priced. Especially now that they are made in the same factory as K2, Line, and Karhu I'm not really sure what you're paying the premium for :hmmm: I'll see if I can find a good summer time deal on them though.
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