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  • secondspeed02,

    The white trail is the Farny Highlands TRail, I can't take credit for that one (NYNJTC). The new "Beach Glen TRail" is accessible on Meriden across from the church's rear entrance. Check that out.

    Hey it was good to see you on clean up day at Jonathon woods.. Alot good effort of part of the volunteers Morris county is really happy with everyones hardwork.. I've been riding alot techical spots w/ my old school singlespeed like: CR, Ringwood, Mahlon dickerson , and next is Allumuchy... I was wondering are you riding up splitrock anytime during the weekends? If so drop me email talk to you soon

    P.S. I took hike from Greenpoad Rd parking lot on white blazed trail w/ my girl friend she loved the trail 2.5 hrs walked
    Yup I'm the same capedoc from JSSKA 🙂

    good luck with the new boat!

    I'll let poor iggy (Chris) know!

    My Girlfriend has a P&H Bahiya...P&H makes some solid boats! very well made with performance in mind. They are not the lightest boats out there but they'll last a life time.

    Tracy and I paddle all over the state and beyond. Mostly coastal waters, but we also make it up to North Jersey to Round Valley and the Watergap. We camp at RV quite a bit and also night paddle there alot.

    I assume you are referring to Jonathan Woods in Denville. Not sure about the markings but i don't think they are from a bike race. As for trail maintenance opportunities, the land is managed by POWWW and the MCPC. I have been encouraging them to maintain the trails and include us in the effort, but they move at their own pace and agenda. JORBA will continue to interface with them in an effort to maintain multi-use trail designation there. Look for more volunteer opportunities on the JORBA Wildcat forum and here as they arise. Until then, enjoy the trails and be friendly to other users.
    Was this cleanup day responsible for the yellow trail markets being placed on the trees? I hike there a lot with my dog and i noticed all the work that was done and I was wondering if possibly there was a race that took place there. I just rode there yesterday and it was a nice ride. Short, but a nice combination of climbs and downhill with some techie aspects thrown in.

    I was wondering if you knew who I could talk to or how I'd go about doing some trail maintenance on those trails. There are a couple of sections that are either really muddy or should be diverted as they are right in the path of run off. I live right down the street and I'd like to ride there a lot so I'd like to become more active in making it a better trail. Any info is much appreciated.

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