Chimney Rock Conditions

Almost done catching up on trimming on red (drained all 4 batteries today so couldn't finish). The stuff in red pun intended is what I did today. The stuff in purple is what is pending. Pretty sure the rest of red is good (let me know if I'm wrong and forgetting a spot that needs help). And excuse the freehand of drawing lines w/ a mouse, it sux.

Screenshot 2023-09-27 at 5.13.44 PM.png
Would avoid today, some spots quite sloppy, and I only walked the upper half of red. Lower areas are probably worse off.
I kinda figured that would be the case and didn't venture over. I'll probably just wait till next week since it's going to rain again tomorrow.
Was over on black this afternoon doing some trimming this afternoon and multiple spots had water running down the trails. With more raining coming, my guess is it won't be good for a bit.
We made it! 5-for-5 in September!

Ok first of all, this park is totally soaked so please do not ride it on Sunday when the sun finally comes out. There is no way on god's green earth that it won't be wet. There was a puddle on yellow that could qualify as a small pond. Solid 6" deep.

So today we were obviously not going to be moving dirt. Spend the morning on High Tech, mostly raking. Here are 2 of the 3 switchback climbs.



We did some general cleaning up of some other stuff, none of which is exciting to take pictures of. So this whole area is now trimmed and partially raked out. We did what we could given the size of the area and the weather.

Next Friday is a pass for us both but in 2 weeks we should be back. Stay tuned for a TM session on 10/14 where we hope a bunch of you regulars join in for what I think is going to be a great project.

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