Tatum Not My Cup of tea

Note: Ask Norm Tuesday (ANT) will return again next week. Feel free to carry on with the ALW or whoever you ask on whatever day. ASSoSD - Ask Somebody Something on Some Day.
Looking again at the OP video, caught that he says he "walked" his bike to the highest point.....of Tatum? Walked, really, Tatum? I'd say time to work on his uphilling rather than the downhilling?

He couldn't. Channing had not yet arrived and since he was responsible for bringing the tea and football, no uphill fun, could ensue. ;)

Hey, can someone please let Big Sean out of his vehicle? I think the AI he installed is taking over....:rolleyes:
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Looking again at the OP video, caught that he says he "walked" his bike to the highest point.....of Tatum? Walked, really, Tatum? I'd say time to work on his uphilling rather than the downhilling?

well, like the rest of us, he goes to Tatum for the downhilling, so.....
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