Cops bored?

back when i had time to surf i remember spring lake township coming down on us surfers who changed in our cars for dawn patrol. i would put towels up around the whole car even and we got a talking to... but wearing a 4 mil wetsuit was not an option for my drive down. so its not bored cops, its people noticing naked people in cars i'm sure.

It's not as bad now. In the car doesn't seem to draw attention, but next to the car in a towel does. I think it's worse in Deal. The homeowners there do not want surfers around....even tried to ban the street parking.

I think in these situations the cops are just responding to complaints. In this particular case it sure sounds like the cop got a little aggro, but in my personal experience, the cops have almost seemed apologetic about reprimanding me.

I kind of get it. If people were changing at the curb in front of my house in a towel regularly, I probably wouldn't be a huge fan. Or even in a parking lot next to me and my family as we're setting off on a hike. At the same time, I can't imagine it would bother me enough to call the cops. I've personally become so adept at changing in and out of my wet-suit in the car, cycling clothes would be no biggie for me. I think if you change inside the car, odds of even being noticed are very slim.

I also echo others comments about a mini-van; what a game changer. You can change in it comfortably, store boards or bikes inside, camp in it in a pinch. I've even considered getting a camping toilet, since I always seem to have to "go" right before a dawn patrol, or an early ride. You think that cop was that mad at you for changing clothes in your car, wait til he gets a load of me dropping a deuce in the back of my van!
One thing forgotten from the OP is where the location and which cop jurisdiction to help us out.
Oh believe me, that visual was not lost on me as I sat in the van waiting for my buddy to arrive, hoping to avoid an interaction with what looked like school security in a golf cart.

Neshaminy has become my "new 6MR" after work riding spot since it's easy to get to from work and close to home afterwards. I'm still learning the dynamics of the area. My friend basically said the local security knows guys ride the trails behind the school and don't really have a problem with it. That said, it's not security I'm worried about - it's parents who may happen to see me and not understand why I'm there. In this day of heightened awareness, I can understand their concerns.
That guy in the cart will throw you out if you are there during school hours. He will also swear that you are NOT allowed to ride there. :rolleyes:
After school hours though, the police ride through occasionally and will even wave to you. It's weird but I guess for them, it probably helps keep the non desirables out.
Gotta love Neshaminy, good bang for your buck.
We in law enforcement are guilty of not following up with the complainant who makes the initial call and educating them on what is and what is not a violation of law. It's a hell of a lot easier to lecture the person in front of you than to try to follow up with a caller at a later time. But it sounds like this cop needs an education as well. Do not take one cops opinion on how that statute would be applied as gospel. I can assure you there are very few if any prosecutors in this state that would move forward with those charges even if an arrest was made in this case..
Except when you throw someone in jail for no reason. Guilty until proven innocent. Anyone thinks otherwise is naive. If you argue with a cop he just makes up some disorderly conduct nonsense. Then you have to deal with court and other garbage. Once you are "in the system" the system generally turns around and screws you either way.

Let's not even talk about the "deals" that towns have with towing companies also.

Prosecutors and judges are as corrupt as they get.
Except when you throw someone in jail for no reason. Guilty until proven innocent. Anyone thinks otherwise is naive. If you argue with a cop he just makes up some disorderly conduct nonsense. Then you have to deal with court and other garbage. Once you are "in the system" the system generally turns around and screws you either way.

Let's not even talk about the "deals" that towns have with towing companies also.

Prosecutors and judges are as corrupt as they get.

Thanks for all your support, Sunshine.
i just got a ticket a block from home and i work in law enforcement, sometimes when you are wrong you are wrong just got to take it on the chin
It's been a long 2 weeks. Don't take it personally please. I just had to vent for getting a ticket on Sunday. :-( ha .. prequal karma I guess. :-( lol

Funny you mention this. I went to Hartshorne yesterday, as I pulled into lot I see a car parked at other end of the lot and I hear soft music coming from car but see no one in it. As I close my door, I see a kids head pop up from back seat. About the same time a park ranger rolls into lot. Shortly after a girls head pops up and the HS kids drive off.

I can't see authorities getting too worked up about someone changing into bike clothes, compared to what others do in public places.

This is a family place not a place to make a family!!!
You folks should move to Rockland County! It's a free for all. You can do whatever you want. Don't even have to pay taxes or follow building codes. Getting naked in front of the elderly or children is no problem here...


The house of worship loop hole
All yours, that is what the cop said to 17 year old me behind Cinema 12 in Parsippany in 08. Never forget lol

There wasn’t a field to throw a blanket down? The parking lot of the movies is a “super rookie” even for 17 year old standards
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