What's up with Death Row Velo you ask?

Game on!!


The word is getting out!!


We're still building the team and we've been getting a bunch of press already, it's only a matter of time before we're up there with the big dogs!!

If you're interested in racing for us, submit your info on the website. The team is for anyone who races, whether it be road, mtb, or cross. Level is not important albeit I believe we will be strongest in the Cat2 MTB field, B-men's cross, and Elite Master's.

"Weather racing in California or New York, send us your information. See you off the front…"

Whether, right?

No more looking like a big wuss out on the road in your bright colored team kit.
.....not to mention it may cut down on people messing with you out on the open road

Call me crazy but I find this company to be completely kooky. :D
back from the dead

Sorry i've been sleeping all winter and just woke up. I have to say the clothes are intresting??? I just don't fit that 'hard-core' image enough to rock out the death row look. sorry ;)

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