Trail Laypout / Property Lines /GPS work

Is this it

Jay, Ill talk with a friend who has a NJtaxmaps account and see what i can do for you, they have GIS overlays, street plan, flood plan, to the block and lot level..

Google maps

IS this the place..{766A9AF8-193A-4790-9F77-EADD97D54760}&DE={16C36311-98B0-48F5-ABC1-39DE25778E5E}

Kendall Woods Open Space

Map # 24
Directions: Quentin Rd. cull-de sac off of Wheeler Rd., Kendall Park. Also access through College Park at the end of the ball field.
90 acres of passive, wooded unpaved trail for walking and hiking. Preserved open space.
Take all trash out with you.
Clean up after your pets.
No parking; foot access.
Not permitted:
No motorized vehicles including quads;
No hunting.

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Kendall woods is the spot.

I have done my little song and dance in front of the Park Committee.

At this point it is up to them.

If they give the go ahead I will need to make very sure that we don't overstep our welcome by building outside the defined property lines.

This project has been slower than I would have liked.

My experience w/ the state has been smoother and quicker but I am still hopeful.


sounds like all you need is a decent survey or map of the property. I have to imagine that the Town has one.

my guess: the reason it took longer with the Town than the State is that the State probably gets these requests all the time (i.e., a request to build/ maintain trails on State parkland by a citizen group), whereas the Town may not have had such a request before and may not have not what to make of it.
Last I heard it was in the hands of the town council. Both Pearl and I may be correct :hmmm:
Nice to see alot of other GIS geeks on here. Been working it for 20years... sort of a relic in today's atmosphere.

I might be able to help with some info if still needed.
just thought about this a couple of days ago.... did this die?

It is in the hands of town council folks. Basically it is very low priority for them.

I will get some more fire into this in the fall.

Nice to see alot of other GIS geeks on here. Been working it for 20years... sort of a relic in today's atmosphere.

I might be able to help with some info if still needed.

Cloud. spreadsheet arcgisonline done. Cloud.
On a more serious note what's your focus? I've been in water/wastewater for about 8 years. I work for a consulting engineering firm so I also get some other exposure (environmental stuff, some surveying etc.) but those projects are few and far between. There's another guy here who does a lot of transportation stuff.
I am with FEMA and specialize in geospatial disaster prep, response and remote sensing. Great job with some very interesting challenges.
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