this morning


Strong like bull, smart like tractor
Team MTBNJ Halter's
if you can get out, GO! i just walked outside and stood on top of the snow. the conditions will probably be perfect for the next few hours until it warms up. get out and have fun people...pure winter bliss today.
i'm thinking of putting some really aggressive cross tires on the fixed gear and trying to ride some local bike paths(not real trails). we'll see how that works. suppose i could just go for a walk though. it's not supposed to get above freezing here today.
hey Jake, How much snow did you guys get up north?

i'm about 5 miles (as the crow flies) from 'mooch and i have about a foot...the top two inches of which are a nice, crusty hard-pack. should be good.
About an hour ago the car just finally sank when driving over the driveway snow. I'm sure LM and CR would be rideable early tomorrow, unless it doesn't get that cold overnight. In crow terms, I'm probably about 5 miles from LM and maybe 7 from CR, and it's 46 degrees right now. It might not get cold enough tonight to make it worthwhile.
Was XC skiing at Waway today. 9 inches of breakable crusty snow. Lots of water underneath where quads rode through the ice. My guess wil be a few weeks before riding.

Passed Ringwood on he way up, and it looked like 6 inches or so. Maybe 1 week to melt and one week to try out, and that is if it stays pretty dry.

Good time to hit the road or the gym. Go to for updates and info on trail maintenance. See you out there soon.!!
the forecast doesnt look like itll get cold enough. Which means ill keep drinking and spin on the trainer whenever i wake up.
Firm snow?

I got out about 10 am today. I was able to ride on top of the snow until I got to an area that doesn't get a lot of sun. I was cruising along pretty good when my front wheel just sank and I endoed. I rode a little more cautiously after that but it was still a great day to get out. 🙂
Me too. Woodford Reserve.

More specifically, Bush Mills Black Bush and sprinkle in a few gin and tonics, and a few smithwicks. Yum.

Good times. I was a bit upset that i couldn't get up this morning. But at least i got on the trainer for an hour and a half for some intervals.
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