SSaP...where P =

man, nothing on the tanya harding picture, huh?

anyway, to steal a line from norm...


so we're t-minus one week to the SSaP and the entire cycling world (less Kev) is absolutely obsessed with who is going to win. not the race. no one cares about that, but the race within the race. me and matty, of course.

with matty only having half a leg it's at the very least a safe be that i'll be able to keep up with him. short of him dropping an eightball prior to the race, anyway.

so yesterday i got out to pre-ride the 20thirteen SSaP course with Utah, BigO with a special appearance by Norm. Actually, I was likely the special guest in this situation considering i never show up to anything.

i met Utah at his crib, pet his dog, spilled coffee in his car and we were off. as noted in posts past, Utah can talk. like really talk which is all good by me since what he's saying isn't the usual self-absorbed bullshit that most people spew. it made the ride fly and when we finally got back home i was like "hell, i could have just driven around with you for a couple of hours". anyway, i haven't ridden in the woods with Utah enough to know if he talks all the time there too, but that was pretty much my gauge of how far behind him and O i was. if i could hear utah, close. no utah, far. simple.

side note: i believe utah would kill in a sales role.

so the course. you pretty much go that way -------> real fast, turn, go up, go down, go fast again for awhile, then go up again (probably run a bit), then down and around, back out to the fire road, left on the always wet and falsely flat Schofield to the finish. your gearing is probably perfect. or not.

all in all, i'm pretty stoked for this race which is more likely than not the only race i'll do this year. i hope i'll do well but who knows. i had some gas left in the tank but damn does the last section sap you of damn near everything you've got left. it was a good experiment in NOT fueling though. when i'm preparing for things like this i try to make the conditions as adverse as possible which includes not eating on the bike and having six beers the night before. so with next to zero food on the bike (one Roctane at 1:45:00) i felt good and didn't get my first cramp until around 18 miles but they never surfaced again until mile 24 which was tolerable. will that happen next week? who knows.

so that's that.
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Check my strava since last thursday, more hardware then you could earn in a year : ) Leg is non issue but my beer intake went through the roof being out of work last week.

Sitting steady at 203 lbs doe so right on schedule to hand you an ass whooping : )
Check my strava since last thursday, more hardware then you could earn in a year : ) Leg is non issue but my beer intake went through the roof being out of work last week.

Sitting steady at 203 lbs doe so right on schedule to hand you an ass whooping : )


your virtual medals don't scare me...

...unless of course they were on mapmyride...

in which case they'd mean much more.


edit: oh, and you're fat. ;)
SWWW SSaP Edition

short and sweet:

2012 results: av. speed 11.2, 14th place
2013 results: av. speed 11.2, 14th place

pretty amazing that on a different course with different gearing i had the EXACT same result. i'm going with the beer 1/2 full perspective: the good news is a year later and i didn't lose any ground. :D

so what about mattyb? matty beat me, he got 10th with an average speed of 11.5. he won't, nor should he, ever let me forget it. that's just what friends do.

i kept pace with him for 10 or 11 miles then lost contact with him as my legs just gave up. i didn't expect that to happen until at least mile 18/19 and b/c of that, my plan went to shit. they fully and completely locked up on me the last mile of Scofield, on the second to last hill and i lost 4 spots. i was so pist. i worked really hard to gap the two guys behind me (them making a wrong turn helped...but i did call them back) and catch the guy in front of me. i figured i could get though but i stood up on the pedals my legs had totally different ideas. oh well.

i have to say, one of the highlights of the race for me was by the pond where that HUGE puddle was. i was stuck behind a group of three people that just would not move. when we came to the puddle, they all went left through the low water and the mud- i jumped on the gas and went right through the middle (i really wish luke was there b/c the look on those three peoples' faces must have been priceless). right after this puddle was a bridge...of the incredibly slippery and dangerous variety. my entire bike went sideways and i had visions of falling off the bridge at six mile. it is only b/c i have incredible cat-like reflexes that i didn't die.

so here's the moral of this whole thing: PEDs, unless medical grade, probably aren't going to do too much. genetics, diet and training, at least at this level, are king. furthermore, if one wants to be competitive in this race, 2:1 or as close to it as possible is an absolute must. i won't make that mistake next year.

which, coincidently, will be my year. :D
Correction Boss you do 1 per year. Unless you want to line up next to me at BS50 or Stoopid50 which is still open to you. You still got a month to PED your ass on me. Just saying : )
Nice work came out and you finished the race... you're a hero in my book!
Correction Boss you do 1 per year. Unless you want to line up next to me at BS50 or Stoopid50 which is still open to you. You still got a month to PED your ass on me. Just saying : )

i need to check dates on those before i make excuses as to why i want to do them but can't.
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