Rock Hugger


JORBA: Wildcat/Splitrock
When it comes to natural wonders, Jersey just does not come close to places like Yosemite, or Banff. But it does have some intersesting geological features. Landmarks like the Deleware Water Gap are large scale examples of what shapes the region. Maybe less magnificient but still noteable features along the trail are the many glacial erratics like "tripod rock" or boulder fields like sourlands. So for like a real long time, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, I'm not sure, these rocks just got placed in these intersting formations by "nature". Now in year 2007, some folks think these formations are real cool, but could be even better if we could just roll up and down them. So we (note the use of inclusive term) place a rock here, rock there, to facilitate and test the limits of our riding abilities. Yes, at the risk of being "outed" and called a "rock hugger" I question whether we are taking away from the scientific and educational value of these trailside landmarks. How does someone experiencing nature for the first time differentiate "a small miracle of Jersey" after we have altered it forever? What are your thoughts?:hmmm:

Gotta luv them I think we need more rock huggers. The great thing about rocks they are durable. Takes alot to grind them down. Talk about erratics, look at the "Pebble" in Allamuchy, almost as big as a house. Great stuff!!!

I would offer that the stacking, rolling and other placment of smaller rocks (one could even call then insignificant compaired to what the glaciers have moved) do not pose a long term issue nor do they degrade the natural features. Also froma scientific point of view I cant see the minor movement of rock presenting an issue, if anything it may expose a clean face of the underling rock so everyone can really see what the rock looks like. Just dont paint them, keep um natural!

Just my $0.02.
i think its cool to create lines, but when looking for lines, just make sure you consider any of the climbable faces - especially in the sourlands... generally climbers look for faces, either slabs, flat or overhung faces 5 feet+ high, but there are some low-ball short traverses that are just under that height.

believe it or not, i was at the sourlands bouldering, and a biker rode the top of the rock i was warming up on. very surprising for both of us.

usually a climbable face isn't really rideable, but if you're thinking of building stuff, you may want to keep that in mind.

the lines that ride the tops of the boulders at the sourlands are all built pretty well - what i like most about them is that they dont stand out too much. you have to look for the lines, so the natural layout isn't affected too much, and they aren't overbuilt.
With 53 trillion rocks in this state, does it really matter?

agreed. i plan on bringing a gift rock from the 'mooch to allaire at some point this year. of course, with frank's approval. 😀
Moving around small rocks by mankind is not anything new. Just look at what the ancient cultures did to build pyramids and statues. Even in the local park that you refer to, there are many rock walls in the Sourlands built over the centuries that were originally constructed to mark boundary lines.

Rocks can often be the most sustainable trail surface available. IMBA even recommends that rock be used to armor trails where erosion is known to be a problem. I personally don't see any disrespect for the rocks or the surrounding landscape by having a trail roll over them. If anything, I would argue that the casual rider will be more likely to research and discover the small miracles that deposited the rocks in their current resting spot millions of years ago. Also, utilizing natural rock formations as part of the trail will often cause the least impact and erosion.

Just my 2 pence.
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