Raritan 911: Robocop

going to raid my sister-in-laws supply...

tell the laundry people what it is, no need to tip them this week.

on a serious note, when can (or could you see) a cyclist be ticketed for obstructing traffic?

Eh, no clue. It would have to be serious issue to be addressed I would think. Didn't Bedminster start writing (or at least start stopping and warning) the HG A ride last year?
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Eh, no clue. It would have to be serious issue to be addressed I would think. Didn't Bedminster start writing (or at least stopping and warning) the HG A ride last year?

they won't even look at me....let alone talk to me..
Didn't Bedminster start writing (or at least start stopping and warning) the HG A ride last year?

2-3 years ago they apparently got in touch with the shop to warn them the road hogging was an issue in rush hour. I don't think anything came out of it but we were all fading from the HG rides by then so I'm not 100% sure.
I would think that when the summertime heat and humidity cranks up that people start to get a little crazy (or crazier)?

What about full moons? Any truth to that correlation?

DEFINITELY some correlation. After a few hot days in a row people lose there shit. The cops do, too. Full moons are hit or miss. Sometimes they are quiet, but if we have more than a few "mental health transports" in a shift, a full moon probably occurred the night before or is coming in a day or two.
I had a friend that worked on an old folks home and swore they always went more nutty during full moons.

Hey what's the dealio with this: www.buycrash.Com

I really have to pay to get an accident report (state police jurisdiction )?
Never seen that site before. Interesting. I think we charge for accident reports, too. Usually the secretary handles that. I have no idea. 17 years and I haven't charged anyone for anything. I wouldn't even know what to do with the money if I did. I do know that if an insurance company requests a report by mail, it's $5.00.
This goes back a few years before we had portable drug testing kits...

It's about 3am. A younger officer stops a woman and discovers a gallon-sized ziplock bag full of white powder on the passenger seat. He calls me over to help. Sure enough, it's like 8-10 ounces of white powder. Like $15,000-$20,000 worth of cocaine, I quickly estimate. Long story short, she tells us she is a stripper and it's talcum powder for the poles at the club. She shows me her various outfits for the night and her story appears reasonable :). But, strippers like cocaine, so I'm still suspicious. I tell her Mary Lou Retton doesn't need that much talcum powder. She says it's a shitty little club, it gets hot in there and she uses that much powder in just a few weeks. I ask why she doesn't leave it at the club and she says because those other bitches will use it.

So I get the club manager's name from her and call him. He confirms she dances at the club and that she usually has talcum powder with her.

There is nothing else in the car even remotely suspicious and she doesn't appear to be under the influence of anything, so we kick her. It seems better than doing 3 hours of paperwork to have the charges dismissed. And have my co-workers break balls about arresting someone with baby powder.

A few months later we got portable drug testing kits. I still wonder if she got over on us.
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^ No pinky taste test?? Geeze

Our town doesn't charge for accident reports. One amusing aspect of getting rearended on the parkway on monday was while my son and I were standing on the shoulder, one of the local cops (Brick twp) picks up a water bottle next to the guardrail 3/4 full of yellow liquid. He turns to my son and says while laughing "is this your piss bottle"? then chucked it over the rail.
This goes back a few years before we had portable drug testing kits...

It's about 3am. A younger officer stops a woman and discovers a gallon-sized ziplock bag full of white powder on the passenger seat. He calls me over to help. Sure enough, it's like 8-10 ounces of white powder. Like $15,000-$20,000 worth of cocaine, I quickly estimate. Long story short, she tells us she is a stripper and it's talcum powder for the poles at the club. She shows me her various outfits for the night and her story appears reasonable :). But, strippers like cocaine, so I'm still suspicious. I tell her Mary Lou Retton doesn't need that much talcum powder. She says it's a shitty little club, it gets hot in there and I use that much powder in just a few weeks. I ask why she doesn't leave it at the club and she says because those other bitches will use it.

So I get the club manager's name from her and call him. He confirms she dances at the club and that she usually has talcum powder with her.

There is nothing else in the car even remotely suspicious and she doesn't appear to be under the influence of anything, so we kick her. It seems better than doing 3 hours of paperwork to have the charges dismissed. And have my co-workers break balls about arresting someone with baby powder.

A few months later we got portable drug testing kits. I still wonder if she got over on us.

I thought the correct field test procedure is to do a line off the stripper's ass
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