Pathetic state of RR&E


She's Gone From Suck to Blow
Shop Keep
Just to save this forum for the week I'll take anybody anywhere up North,prefferably on Sat.Pick a time and place,then request your pace.If it ends up being mainly easy pace then I can also ride to the ride possibly w/ some faster people so everyone is happy.PS Please don't make me start at 10am..............................
Usually no later than 9am and RR&E is rides races & events and lately the only event has been the complete disintegration of this site.............

I'm definitely (as much as definite can be w/ kids and so forth) riding tomorrow morning starting no later than 8:00am. Was going to do the KVSP ride before that one went into the toilet, then was thinking Allamuchy, but either way, if you're up for leading at either place, I'll join you.

As far as pace - what I consider my fast pace may be your easy pace...

I'm in for a ride tomorrow 8 or 9 whenever is good. Beginner here, so far I've only ridden 6-mile would love to try a new location, Chimney Rock maybe?

Usually no later than 9am and RR&E is rides races & events and lately the only event has been the complete disintegration of this site.............

you realize that you are a major contributor to the disintegration of this place, right? 😀

i'm really sorry that i can't sherpa the KVSP ride. with the trip i need to make tomorrow, the timing just isn't possible. usually an 8A wheels up time works just fine but having to leave at 10A for boston, well, it just don't work. besides, it was shaggz that blew this one up.
Wheels down, Jake. The wheels generally don't go up until after you start, and apparently moreso if Fred comes along.
Ok I'm entering my limited PC zone now...

...and it looks like pathetic is gonna stick.Mike I'll PM my # if you need a wingman.
Allamuchy 6/9 Ride

Fun ride yesterday w/ Brett. Hit some of the less-traveled trails at the north side of the park and again down by Rt. 80. (as Brett pointed out I was wearing my "where the fuck is Brett taking me" face in a few spots). No mechanicals, no crashes.

Didn't see a soul until we were on our way out and stopped to chat w/ Bob W.

Here's the particulars:
My favorite part of the park is the stuff in the NW corner near where rte 80 & 517 intersect. I really dig those big rollover rocks that are Moab-esque.

Not that I have ever been to Moab..

I saw Danny Hawk faceplant into a tree near there and laugh it off with blood covering his face.

We then went into the store across rte 517. He had so much blood in his teeth and nose that it looked like he was a vampire..

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