No Helmet


New Member
Came across a guy in the Tourne today flying around on his bike with NO HELMET! Can't understand why, especially on a slick wet day, anyone would ever ride a bike without a helmet.
We had a guy that rode with us without a helmet. We told him to wear one --he argued with us and claimed it disrupted his vision. We asked him not to ride with us anymore.

A couple of years ago we came across a group of 5 people in Allamuchy on the rocky trail along Route 80. No helmets -- all of them in their 20's, too.

I witnessed a terrible crash of my of my buddies into a tree where the guy's helmet split into two. He probably would have been either dead or brain damaged if he didn't have that on. I always wear mine, especially after witnessing that.
Mountain Bike Action had a stat in the front part of the recent issue that said 95% of bicycling deaths each year are of people not wearing helmets.

Anyone who is a real MTBer wears one.
was that guy with a helmet riding back and forth in the lot, by the ball fields? there is a guy that does that all the time. he rides as fast as he can bunny hops across a grass strip between two parking spots, rides up the gravel road then back down jumps a root, then repeats about 30-40 times. its acutally kind of funny.

thought bout telling him to put a helmet on then i realized he's old enough to know better so he's unlikely to take the advice anyway.

if it was a kid, i'd probably pull him aside compliment him/her on his skills, then say, you should ask mom and dad for a helmet, everyone's got one these days.... but this guy has already made up his mind about it I suspect.
mergs said:
was that guy with a helmet riding back and forth in the lot, by the ball fields? there is a guy that does that all the time. he rides as fast as he can bunny hops across a grass strip between two parking spots, rides up the gravel road then back down jumps a root, then repeats about 30-40 times. its acutally kind of funny.

thought bout telling him to put a helmet on then i realized he's old enough to know better so he's unlikely to take the advice anyway.

if it was a kid, i'd probably pull him aside compliment him/her on his skills, then say, you should ask mom and dad for a helmet, everyone's got one these days.... but this guy has already made up his mind about it I suspect.

Nope. Adult riding through the slick wet woods, same as me. That's why I felt so compelled to note it here. It just seemed so insane to me.
Helmet-less looser

I see this kind of thing a lot. Very often at Clayton and sometimes at Chimney Rock.

I really don't care if these idiots kill themselves but I DO care if they close the good remaing trails because someoen was killed mt biking.

If I am in the mood I give them my card and tell them I will GIVE them a free helmet if they come to my shop.

They always delcine but a few have come in and purchased a lid.

Working in a bike shop I see the results first hand of bike crashes. More often than not the rider thanks me for selling them a helmet and states that they would be dead if they were not wearing a proper helmet.

People sometimes ask if is the law to wear a helmet. It isn't but I always say that it againt the law to kill yourself.

Darwin discusses this...'s called "Natural Selection."😱

I have too many "my helmet saved my life" stories to even imagine riding w/o a helmet.
Sk8 & Destroy

NEVER wore a helmet skateboarding, unless i had to. Only hit my head 2wice in 18 years. One of the times was someone else's shoulder, not the ground. Only takes one time, though...

So, when i started mt biking it was a big pill to swallow. For the amount of times i wacked my head on low braches and saw stars, I can even imagine how many trips to the ER have been avoided.

I think most people not wearing a helmet mtbiking, just started and don't have a clue. They'll soon figure it out, the easy way or the hard way.

I even started wearing a coconut cap for snowboarding, which i can believe either
I tried snowboarding for the first time last season. On one of the slopes I managed to turn completely around, facing backwards down the hill and then caught an edge. The back of my head slammed into the "soft" snow. Bloody hell - I almost cried!

I can't believe that some states still allow motorcycling without a helmet...
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