Icky Leg Pictures


New Member
Had me some surgery Friday. Here are some pics for any one interested in looking at my gross stitches.

Not too bad really. Was able to get out and do 15 on the road bike today without too much pain.


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We didn't know exactly what it was at first (aside from a painful bump under my skin). MRI showed what they thought was a neuroma (nerve sheath tumor) but my Orthopedist didn't seem to think that's what it was and he was right. Turned out to be an old suture from surgery I had 30 years ago that had never dissolved and had started to calcify. Crazy.
1 - Gross
2 - That's great you got back on the bike so quickly
3 - I am amazed that those scrwany legs make you go so fast.
sweet! wierd how they stitched through it like that. looks like they pulled alot of skin into the stitch. probably gonna have a sweet scar.
looks like they pulled alot of skin into the stitch. probably gonna have a sweet scar.

wow! ken, yours is way cooler than scotts. sorry scott, but it's true.

I'm gonna have a scar on top of a scar. Supposedly gonna flatten out more when the stitches are removed.

Ken's is cooler!
my scar is cooler for the simple reason that i had my cousin who lived two houses down from me sew it up on his porch after i cut my leg with a chain saw. i got free healthcare AND nutter butters. 😀
i cut open the skin on my knee with a steak knife to remove a bone chip from my kneecap. there's still a bunch in there though, and it's a tiny scar.
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