Hurricane thread(aka kitchen appliances I can't afford thread)

Power went out twice for under a minute. Thought I could take the rest of the day off...
Literally had to walk thru the woods for half a mile to get to my house. Every road was blocked with down power lines. There are going to be a lot of trees down across trails in wildcat...
In Montclair (upper). power out since 1:30pm, just turned on the generator. Sizable chunk of town w/o power.
Power has been out since 11. Fired up the old Honda generator. I don’t think I’ve used this thing since Sandy. The only casualty we had was my daughters trampoline. Should have that fixed up tomorrow though

No power since 1:30pm. Last year it was my house, today it was my next door neighbors...

they moved into their new home Sunday..... the new owners move in September..... not exactly sure who’s problem this is..... police and PSE&G notified. 👀
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