Horse Crap On The Trails?


I have no idea what forum to post this in, but it is something that bothers the hell out of me. People with their dogs need to make sure that they scoop their dogs poop at most and all New Jersey State Parks. So why don't these Michael Vick comboys and cowgirls not have to clean up the humungous piles that they leave for us around every corner that we have to ride through as spray up? Just a rant, but I wish there was something we could do.
Oh come on....bunny hop them.....😀
You should ride the trails in Mexico....massive piles of SH*T!!!
It's part of the whole experience, you are IN the woods after all.
Here's my buddy posing with it:

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Personally I've never been terribly annoyed by them... they're herbivores so its not really a big deal. Just a lot of chewed up grass and oats.

Think of them as technical trail features... swerve to avoid.

However, I've had the unlucky circumstance of running over coyote caca, and your standard dog poo. Now that's a stinky mess.
Well, I guess its a little tricky since horses have the amazing ability to crap while walking.
an experienced equestian can tell when the horse they're riding is about to drop a bomb. a polite, experienced equestrian will stop the horse and get it's ass off the side of the trail.
Oh come on....bunny hop them.....😀
You should ride the trails in Mexico....massive piles of SH*T!!!
It's part of the whole experience, you are IN the woods after all.
Here's my buddy posing with it:
It must be the water 😛
i just hate how the crap gets cemented to your frame when it dries out!:mad2:
other than that the poopies are here to stay unfortunately. it seems that here in jersey the horsie folks are a little more snobby than ones i've encountered in other states
Please just don't ride with your mouth open. I was riding behind my wife and telling her how fast she was going and that there was a sharp turn ahead and all the sudden a small brown chunk flew off her rear tire and hit me in the chin, inches from my mouth! Yuk!
Can I be devil's advocate for a second? 🙂 Biker and Equestrian meet on the trail. A conversation ensues:

Biker: I don't like horse poo on the trails. It's yucky.

Equestrian: I don't like Gu and Clif bar wrappers on the trails. I see them a lot and they are not biodegradable.

Biker rides away, feeling a little like GW Bush after his second debate with Kerry....
ALL HAIL FRANKEN-BIKE. LOL Mergs. I am feelin' yeah on the Goo thing. I would rather know tha the poo is going to be gone in about a week. now I am off th JH to slip around on the greasy leafy trails. 😀
I'll be there by 430 you in Jeff?
a little secret- I've always been nervous to fall in it. In fact Ryan once told me he'd take me out to dinner if I landed in a pile of crap face first. aw.
Please just don't ride with your mouth open. I was riding behind my wife and telling her how fast she was going and that there was a sharp turn ahead and all the sudden a small brown chunk flew off her rear tire and hit me in the chin, inches from my mouth! Yuk!
Remind me to never ride behind your wife.
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