Fluid on my knee after the injury


Like 3 weeks ago I fell off the bike when was trying to impress myself with my bike skills and managed to twist my knee.
I did not go to the doctor since it does not look like something terrible happened- was a little bit painful but within a week I was moving around with no probs- almost running and riding my exercise bike at home (easy settings etc). It seems like everything is healed up except the fact that I have a big bump on my knee which seems to be a fluid-like thingie. Which does not really give any problems except the funny feeling on my knee when I bend it (feels like something is stretching inside).
Anybody had anything similar? I understand that there is no magic pill unfortunately, but maybe there is a fast way to get rid of this fluid?
Thank you in advance!
Knee health is nothing to mess around with. Seek professional help asap.
I do not think my condition is that bad that I need to visit a doctor.
I do not have pain, I can freely move.
I just checked the I.C.E. method, will try to see if it helps.
I honestly is a bit afraid of the doctors.
5 years ago I had ganglion cyst on my wrist, which I had no idea what it is. When I visited the doctor he insisted that I need a surgery and this is the only way to get rid of it etc etc etc. I had a scheduled surgery and thank god one of my clients was a chiropractor with some orthopedics background and after examining my hand he told me that I do not need the surgery and just cold compress with the painkiller if it bothers me- the cyst was gone within a month.
Fluid after a week could be an indication of a more serious injury. If it persists, go see the doc.
I,ve had this injury many times and in most cases it has gone away in a week but it sounds like yours is in need of seeing a doctor.
Thank you, I guess I will monitor for another week, take some ibuprofen with the ice patches- if it does not work, will seek the doctor.
It just weird, that I do not have any pain, I do not experience any issues walking/running/biking (even I did not try the trail riding after the injury- just an exercise bike), but I have this bump on the outer side of my knee.
Unfortunately I am way too familiar with knee injuries. Extra fluid is your body's way of compensating for an injury. If it's not that serious your body will reabsorb the extra fluid and you will be fine. If it doesn't go away with time and rest then there's a good chance you torn a meniscus or something in the joint especially with a twisting motion. Advil or aleve and ice should help to get the swelling down. Good luck and keep us posted.
Similar incident with me a couple years ago witch I ended missing a week of work because my knee locked up and I had to have it drained twice. ( hurt like hell!!!!! Having it drained ) but it needed to be done. Knee problems suck big time. Deffenitly would suggest seeing a doctor ASAP.
I compressed my kneecap while jumping once and had fluid in my knee for 6 months. Knee felt like a boob but otherwise was fine. Get it checked out, but if you can do stuff normally, it is probably fine.
Thank you everybody! I took Aleve and put the compressor on. Will take 2 pills a day/2 weeks and apply ice at night for 30mins.
Had something similar last year from an indoor soccer collision. Sounds like bursitis...you burst the sac that protects your knee cap...agree with everyone else, there are varying degrees of seriousness...in my case, they didn't drain. Actually had me wrap with an ace bandage and the compression helped it...hasn't come back since. But you should have it looked at.
I compressed my kneecap while jumping once and had fluid in my knee for 6 months. Knee felt like a boob but otherwise was fine. Get it checked out, but if you can do stuff normally, it is probably fine.

That explains the nipple tattoo on your knee.
I started taking 2 Aleve pills a day (1 in the morning, 1 in the evening), ice patches, and ACE compressor on Monday and today the conditions are much better- less fluid, and I went for my first ride today- it was awesome even I was trying to protect my knee and had to walk some logs.
Thank you!
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