dh in jungle habitat


Active Member
so i am starting this new thread to talk about downhill trail potential in jungle habitat. this place is clearly set up for shuttling dh. the decently paved roads are still there so why not use them. 400 ft is enough for a decent dh run. adding a few berms drops (natural or man made) and jumps would be a fun run. so who should i spit my ideas at that could approve them?
Just looked at it in Google Earth, and it's not really worth building shuttle runs in JH, as there's not a clearly shuttle-able 400 feet of vert. You can't build DH trails that cross roads that vehicles will be driving on, as that's a liability nightmare that no one wants to incur. The only areas with access to roads for drop-off and pick-up will net you less than 200 feet of vert... not really worth the trouble, especially given how steep that ridge is. The runs would be very, very short.

Talk to Mergs about his proposal for Snow Bowl at Mahlon Dickerson. There's an actual 400 feet of vert there, with a nice mellow slope that's ideal for long and fast DH/freeride runs.
It seems as if the DH/FR aspect of mtb'ing is really picking up and becoming popular. I am all for any trail building (legal) for some dh/fr trails. That would be great to see a project take off in Mahlon or anywhere for that matter.

BTW. psp.. did you keep your sunday?
DH in JH not alot of good spots for it. more of a free ride direction is where I feel it should go. There are alot of areas where there is alot of exposed rocks, not little ones. Big ass house sized boulders that are nice and smooth and show alot of potential. The point made about shuttling people around is a good one as well. The only time cars are allowed there is when there is a state approved event going on. We had to jump through a couple of hoops to open the gates on sunday. On that BTW. A hugh THANK YOU!!!!!🙂 to everyone who came out and did not trash the parking lot. I think we picked up one bottle and it may have just rolled out of someones truck.
The Goo packets in the wooods was another issue. :mad2:. How many times do we have to ask that these things do not get discarded. Or at least go back in and pick them up after your race. Its a sticky gross mess to pick up at the end of the day. OK that my rant.
Think freeride at the Habitat.
It seems as if the DH/FR aspect of mtb'ing is really picking up and becoming popular. I am all for any trail building (legal) for some dh/fr trails. That would be great to see a project take off in Mahlon or anywhere for that matter.

BTW. psp.. did you keep your sunday?

Yeah he did, he raced it at Jungle Hab. yesterday.
so besides dh i was thinking, why not build a pump track. damn this place has so much potential. to build something like that on the edge of a parking lot would be pretty rad.
Some great ideas being thrown around.
I would love to see a pump track in there as well.
The biggest drawback to putting in anything legal or otherwise is the Illegal use of the place by the motorised crowd. I am surprised that there wern't any there on race day.
Anrothar: thanks for the Cupon. Maybe we'll hand them out next year. It is a great idea from GOO.
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