Biggest loser

Yesterday might have been the first day this summer without beer. It was my first day back to work with only teachers and no students yet. I figure it's a good time to get back to those better habits. I wanted to have a really clean eating day at work, until someone hand delivered birthday cake. Damnit. At least I'm back to work where I can be more disciplined and I'm forced to be active all day. I'll get back into my daily after work ride schedule as well and hopefully keep working back to this fitness/lightness thing again.
Been beer free and watching the calories for the last 4 days so the habit is starting to form. Hard part is that my lunch at work is at 10am but I have a free period at 1pm. I’m trying to use my lunch as breakfast and actually have lunch at 1 since dinner is usually 6:30. The 1-6:30 stretch is the hard part. I do have a nice block of free time after work that I need to use effectively. Of the 4 days back to work, I’ve had two workouts and two naps. Both were amazing lol.
1 beer on Sunday during the pathetic Giants game, and the rest of eating has been pretty clean. Starting to feel a bit lighter and the scale is starting to move a little. I weighed myself Saturday and Sunday after my morning ride which is a tease. Today I was up, but Monday's always do that. I'm gonna stick to the routine and see if I can get in better shape over the next few months. I've got a race coming up this weekend which should be interesting. I've gotta eat well before and after that to make sure I've got enough juice for the event. First race back after my knee surgery and I picked a 50 miler. Should be 5+ hours of fun!
Wednesday weigh in: 6 lbs down. This week so far has been crazy busy, so it's helped limit extra snacking and I've been super active and getting my rides in. Another long day tonight with back to school night. I'm still gonna fit my ride in and get all the work stuff done. I'm hoping to shed a bit more weight as I get closer to the weekend for my race coming up. I'm getting in a good pattern of less beer and calories so I'm gonna stay on that track and see where I can get by the end of September. Then continue for October and hopefully survive the holidays/winter. That's always a bit tough.
Bi-weekly check in.

Been struggling since Labor Day - that weekend really set me back on track with eating for the most part. This past week was slightly off with family dinner and hten Phillies game Monday (talk about unhealthy food choices!). School schedule has been consuming/adjusting and not riding as much as I'd like but still trying to get to CrossFit minimum 2xs a week.

Just hovering at maintenance weight. But feeling good about upcoming weeks...
Friday check in. Still hovering around the -6 mark. I figure the easy water weight drop is over and now this is where the real work will start. My PT has given me a bunch of good exercises to do at home instead of wasting my time/insurance $ at their place. I thought my lower body was in decent shape from riding but man some of these exercises are making me sore! The knee that I'm trying to strengthen isn't that bad, it's everything else that hurts. I'm gonna keep up with the workouts and add some other stuff in as typically all I do is on the bike work. It should help overall in the long run.
Well here I am still sitting between 222-228
Nothing has changed except eating once a day with zero effects. I always assumed my daily work would be enough with an avg of 9-12k steps and 10 flights a day, that I didn't need any extra cardio. My riding is basically 1-2 rides a week so not breaking anything different there. It looks like I am gonna need to really work for the next 15-20 lbs which I'm just gonna get miserable over and probably pork up. Definitely a dilemma I'm at as I have been parked at this current weight for about 3 months. Basically eat a carnivore diet for the most part. Energy level is a 10 but I can see a boredom setting in with choices. Yes I have some rare cheat moments but reel it right back right away. Still mentally focused on maintaining where I'm at and if this it then so be it.
Try eating more. Your body may be in defensive mode and holding onto the body fat. If carnivore, you're probably eating plenty of protein. Add a portion of vegetables, healthy fat (avocado, nuts or nut butter) to that one meal, and have a second meal of the same. See what happens.

And drink plenty of water.
Try eating more. Your body may be in defensive mode and holding onto the body fat. If carnivore, you're probably eating plenty of protein. Add a portion of vegetables, healthy fat (avocado, nuts or nut butter) to that one meal, and have a second meal of the same. See what happens.

And drink plenty of water.
Tons of water already
2 avocado daily
4 boiled eggs
1/4 pound roughly of cheese
2 apples
Meat protein of something
1 72% dark chocolate
6 pack seltzer
That's my typical day
And I should clarify that once a day is a window not an exact moment.
2-5pm seems to be that time frame.
So that list is in that time period. This is how I understood intermittent fasting to be.
Also add walnuts and almonds to that list
Well here I am still sitting between 222-228
Nothing has changed except eating once a day with zero effects. I always assumed my daily work would be enough with an avg of 9-12k steps and 10 flights a day, that I didn't need any extra cardio. My riding is basically 1-2 rides a week so not breaking anything different there. It looks like I am gonna need to really work for the next 15-20 lbs which I'm just gonna get miserable over and probably pork up. Definitely a dilemma I'm at as I have been parked at this current weight for about 3 months. Basically eat a carnivore diet for the most part. Energy level is a 10 but I can see a boredom setting in with choices. Yes I have some rare cheat moments but reel it right back right away. Still mentally focused on maintaining where I'm at and if this it then so be it.
sounds like your work day is already physical but consistent, which may be part of where your body has adapted to this busy level of activity.

I saw the most results in terms of weight reduction and fitness improvements doing interval training. For me this was on the bike in the basement 2-3 times a week for 30-45 minutes watching youtube videos (pre zwift and smart trainer era). I bought myself a Fluid2 trainer and did this for 3 months during that winter time period (before I knew what riding outside in the cold meant) and lost 20ish lbs.

Im wondering if trying 1-2 days a week of some kind of interval training (plyometrics, fast/slow walking, bodyweight based sets) would help turn up the metabolism engine for you. there's lot of free guides and videos online you could check out. The challenge is how to stick with it like anything else it takes a few weeks to see the results.

Hope that's some helpful experience/ideas for you.
I raced Sunday for 3 hours and had some great food/beer after. I’m skipping the scale for a few days but trying to keep the calories low in the meantime. I’ll probably do another weigh in Thursday. I didn’t ride yesterday, but will get out today and tomorrow. It’s best for me to weigh in after being more active.
Spent the weekend in Killington knocking out the last of this year's spartan races. The 14 mile race was just brutal! signing up for these races has been critical for me to not go back to being a fat slob. I already purchased all my 2024 race passes to keep it going.
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Nice! I did the Spartan Beast at Killington about 10 years ago. Loved that course. I remember the climbs being brutal. Aroo!!
Yep, it’s official…

Not only am I obese but I’ve shrunk 4” too! Better get on the Peloton! 🤣🤣
E2M R11W2D2

Labor Day weekend started early by taking Friday off. It was also my birthday. Did well all week. Birthday dinner at the local with my parents included a sandwich, beer and creme brulee cheesecake for dessert. Raced on Saturday, had Korean beef tacos and crispy brussel sprouts from the food truck on site. There may have been some ice cream too. Stuck to the plan the rest of the weekend. Back to following I.F. this week.

Running, circuits and extra credit weights. Did what I will call JD's BD Epic. 3 stages: Thurs at the Belmont Year 33 finale, top 10 finish and 1st SS. Probably the best course layout of the season. 2 laps, with course alterations on Lap 2 to keep you on your toes. Fri mroadie ride from the house to the trails of CCC, then home to get 55km, ended up a little longer. Sat raced at the final MASS race, Granogue Rewind, in Endurance SS. Got P2/3 with 6 laps in 4h01m for 37.5mi. Was expecting to get 3rd as Chris Lane from B'more, MD showed up, but apparently broke his crank on lap 2 to DNF. Took Sunday off to recover.

1/2/22 Starting weight = 235.4
09/05/23 current weight = 188.2
Diff: down 2.2, total lost = 47.2
Holiday weekend, so didn't expect much change. Was surprised for the downward number. Race season is over, MASS series started in April with Rattling Creek. Another TSEpic 5 day and the W101 in there too. Got a few podiums, 3rd overall for the season and the team got a 2nd overall for Endurance Team competition.
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E2M R11W5D1

Been slacking off too much. Week starts well, but goes downhill. Since Labor Day, birthday, race season finale weekend, just haven't been sticking to the plan. Posting here to be accountable. My biggest problem has been snacking. Especially at work where stress eating and boredom have me nibbling more. Also need to cut back on the beer during the week. October weekends are booked with parties or travelling. Need to remind myself: "you can't out exercise a bad diet".

Been following the plan with circuits and extra credit M/W/F, cycling on T/Th. Took this past weekend off. It was made easier with the weather. Caught up on some sleep. Been dealing with a sore left knee that started hurting after an easy morning spin Tues after Labor Day. Not after running. Go figure. Had it looked at by an ortho dr who also happens to be an mtber and regular at Belmont on Thursday evenings. Basically said, "you know at your age....." Was already doing some PT and stretching and told to continue while smearing a prescribed anti-inflammatory gel on my knee a couple times a day. Have an appointment for an acupuncture session tomorrow afternoon.

1/2/22 Starting weight = 235.4
09/25/23 current weight = 195.2
Diff: up 7, total lost = 40
Haven't seen this weight since Mar '22 when I was solidly following the plan in R2 of the E2M program. Stepped on the scale this morning and wasn't surprised. Also took measurements. Most were still close in value to the last time I measured back in R9 around Apr/May. I have been lifting more weights. So maybe a combination of muscle weight and bad eating weight have teamed up. Clothes still fit.
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