Biggest crash in stock market history?

No dividend from Elon doe.

True, but it's probably a more fun ride, and I wouldn't necessarily be in it for the long haul.

I don’t think you can lose with AAPL but TSLA is just a gamble. I wouldn’t buy with money you can’t afford to lose.

You can lose with anything, but when I eventually sell my AAPL shares it's all house money, so I don't mind gambling with a big chunk of it. I moved some cash into my account today, but I'm more risk averse with money I actually earned.

I own TSLA too, but feel it;s like playing roulette.

Roulette's fun!

Buying or selling today?

I was set up to buy some TSLA at 400 today, but it didn't quite get there. We'll see what the market does tomorrow. Hopefully TSLA keeps tanking until I can buy a little.
This is why you don’t buy a parabolic missle launch of a market after it launched. Biggest rallies happen in a bear market. The good thing about being a bear is your account can double over night.
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