Biggest crash in stock market history?

They missed them. You were right.

Im left to believe you dont play as hard as you talk though. So i doubt you made out on their short comings?.
I do but I will quote myself ...”I am not playing Amazon”. I do however have a small speculative position in FNGD which shorts all the FAANG stocks. These are not options however.
You said they would “tank”, not sure they did such.
I think amazon will miss on earnings and collapse. I don’t understand it either. We are in a bear market. Dow Composite index is hitting a lot of resistance. China had a 6.8% contraction in the first quarter gdp ...this is what I said. A collapse isn’t over night but I feel the titanic is sinking.
I think amazon will miss on earnings and collapse. I don’t understand it either. We are in a bear market. Dow Composite index is hitting a lot of resistance. China had a 6.8% contraction in the first quarter gdp ...this is what I said. A collapse isn’t over night but I feel the titanic is sinking.
Amazon prime has been sucking for the last month. I've started to divert. I'm sure I'm not alone.
I think amazon will miss on earnings and collapse. I don’t understand it either. We are in a bear market. Dow Composite index is hitting a lot of resistance. China had a 6.8% contraction in the first quarter gdp ...this is what I said. A collapse isn’t over night but I feel the titanic is sinking.

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Owned a boatload of AMZN for a short term in 2013. I made a few thousand and got out. If had just kept it , I would now be up over $130,000. Oh well. But if it tanks like you think. ( I don't see that happening) I will go in big time again $$$$$
Check back in 13 hours, then again at 4pm Monday.

The economic impact of this crisis is so multifaceted. There are 50 or 100 stories about different industries that are important.
I had a Financial Advisor at the shop yesterday dropping off two bikes for service. He said he has no idea at all why the market is where it is right now.

Not sure if I respect his financial analysis as he is about to spend $300/bike to fix up some late 70's cheap road bikes. Jetter and a Fuji.
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