Ask Norm Next Tuesday

Grind to flower like consistency stir in with Ovaltine
Shhhhh no one else caught that one
That's because none of it made sense? Are you cold steeping the ground coffee in an ovaltine milk mixture like a 5 year old who watched their parent make cold brew once? Not gonna lie, I'm slightly tempted to throw some ovaltine in the mix when I make mine tonight.
That's because none of it made sense? Are you cold steeping the ground coffee in an ovaltine milk mixture like a 5 year old who watched their parent make cold brew once? Not gonna lie, I'm slightly tempted to throw some ovaltine in the mix when I make mine tonight.

I don't drink coffee that's racist
it's thursday and i'll understand if you don't want to answer this because it's not tuesday... but here it goes anyway...

you are a coffee connoisseur (i had to look up how to spell that BTW) and i know you're a big fan of the aeropress, but if you couldn't use that, what's the next best way to make coffee? pour over? french press? F-it and just do drip?
Since I got a chemex, I hardly use the aeropress anymore.
A) How did you get into biking?

Follow up:
2) What weighs more, a pound of feathers, or a pound of Nickelback?
With race numbers down with participants do you think that nica will feed the future of racing or do you think most these kids will do normal thing like buy a car, then not start riding again till married with children.

My feeling trend will continue young and mid lifers will be the feeder of xc race scene.
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