Anrothar's Last Stand, Redux

alright alright alright. i haven't even uploaded the ones from sunday yet. i've been a bit busy...

give me 30 minutes to make them magically appear.

You've gotta ride it to get good at it...

Lol...I can show you how to faceplant into a nice rock ledge. I gave that honor to Sean yesterday. The rest was cool. Do you know Mahlon well? I have no clue still but making some connections now. I'd but up for riding for sure. I'll let ya know next time I think I can get over there.

I know the parts I've ridden well :) For the longest time I thought the official maps were correct in what trails could be biked upon. I've recently learned, that is not the case...some of the trails on the map that say hike/equestrian only are open to bikes. For instance, the trails up to says foot or horse only...yet there are mountain bike placards along the trail. 'Been told that the park is pretty much all open to bikes except for the highland trail.

So, a lot of MD has opened up for me as a result and I'm going back into exploration mode...
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