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  • Hey Lisa!
    I'm glad you wrote me a message because I was kicking myself after for not getting your name. The weather looks pretty good as of now, so hopefully the rain holds off. Looking forward to riding with you guys in 6 hours!
    Thanks for thinking of me. I was feeling really crummy earlier this week. I had a nasty cough which made breathing difficult. I ran the other day and am feeling better. I'm hoping the weather holds out for a ride tomorrow. As of now, we're still planning on heading to Six Mile...we'll see... Hopefully I'll see you Sunday. I hope all is well!
    Hi Lisa! Sorry you weren't able to make last night's ride. I really hope you are feeling better soon. Bill mentioned a possible Saturday ride, but unfortunately I don't think I'm going to be able to make that one. Hope to see you at TM on Sunday! : )
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