what do you read?

The book was fantastic, movie not so much. But its a movie about a very long and complicated story, they never work.
So far this winter:
House Atreides (1999)
House Harkonnen (2000)
House Corrino (2001)
Dune (1965)
Dune Messiah (1969)
Children of Dune (1976)
God Emperor of Dune (1981)
Heretics of Dune (1984)

I, Robot (1950)
Pebble in the Sky (1950)

Probably starting Foundation tonight.
So far this winter:
House Atreides (1999)
House Harkonnen (2000)
House Corrino (2001)
Dune (1965)
Dune Messiah (1969)
Children of Dune (1976)
God Emperor of Dune (1981)
Heretics of Dune (1984)

I, Robot (1950)
Pebble in the Sky (1950)

Probably starting Foundation tonight.

Luke, you are sci-fi nut:)
Mostly I'm into very involved stories.
Before that I read all the Hobit/Lord of the Rings and All of the Ice And Fire/Game of Thrones books.
Mostly I'm into very involved stories.
Before that I read all the Hobit/Lord of the Rings and All of the Ice And Fire/Game of Thrones books.

I was disappointed in Dune. Like greatly so. However, I totally love the Assimov books. Really enjoyed the RRRRRRRR Martin series but I had to give it up when it appeared there was no way he was going to live to get to the end of the series.

Have you ever read the Hyperion series by Simmons? I think it's incredible. It's a 4 book "series" but it's really 2 & 2. They are tied together but it's really 2 books, then 1 thread brings you to the next 2 books. Absolutely loved them. I have just picked up the first of another 2 book series he did. Not as good, but still decent.

I actually just read Fahrenheit 451 for the first time ever this winter. A little disappointing.

My goal this year is to read about 1 book/month. This is actually a lowering of the books I read. Last fall I was reading so much that I would stay up until 1am reading then be tired the next day because I wasn't sleeping enough.

I also opened Divergent last week. Just read a few pages. I often have 2-3-4-5 books going at once.
I'll check those out.
I really started to get bored with Dune after children of dune, but I stuck it out because so many rave about it. There were good parts but I really really suffered with Heritics of Dune and Dune Messiah. He's got fantastic dialog, but man it was so slow.
The original Dune book was fantastic. The ideas of the story more than the book itself. It would make such an awesome movie but it's never been pulled off. Check out this documentary:

So awesome, SO SO awesome what this movie could have been and what it was eventually butchered into.

The Azimov stuff is really good, it's easy and super fast. It's incredible how well he got these programming conundrum's in freaking 1950. But sentient robots but people still read newspapers ;)
I'm binging on Edmund Morris' Theodore Roosevelt trilogy.
On the third book now.
The first was probably the best (Pulitzer, National Book Award),
but I'd say they are all worth a read.

Well researched and written, and a really interesting life story.
New York Hardcore 1980-1990

It reads like a timeline, as the title suggests. Bands breaking into the scene, interviews, etc. Not bad.
Reading makes me sleepy that and rereading the same paragraph 10 times gets old. Damn ADHD...

Norm I keep forgetting that I have a crate of books for you...
Reading makes me sleepy that and rereading the same paragraph 10 times gets old. Damn ADHD...

Norm I keep forgetting that I have a crate of books for you...

Gotta say the last box of books you gave me was pretty interesting. Odd but interesting.
I just recently finished The Lost Cyclist by David Herlihy. It's the story of Frank Lenz, a late-ninteenth century round-the-world cyclist who disappeared in Turkey, and the subsequent investigation to find out what happened to him. Pretty interesting read. Also just finished "Live by Night" from Dennis Lehane. Great story -- it kind of picks up where "The Given Day" left off. Possibly my favorite Lehane book. And now I just started "The Feud", Dean King's investigation into the Hatfield/McCoy feud. I'm really biased because he wrote my favorite book of all time, but I'd read anything King does because he writes history like a novel.
I read anything 1speed does because his posts are like a novel:D

Its a good thing I have an imagination because my literary uptake is really weak, but I still remember vocabulary words from high school...although I can't remember when to use your and you're properly.
Just finished Divergent yesterday. It was fine. I get the similarities to Hunger Games but I don't think it's as good. A little thin in story development/cohesiveness in the end but a decent read. I'm told the movie is awful. I'll probably pick up the 2nd book eventually.
Just finished Divergent yesterday. It was fine. I get the similarities to Hunger Games but I don't think it's as good. A little thin in story development/cohesiveness in the end but a decent read. I'm told the movie is awful. I'll probably pick up the 2nd book eventually.

Funny, I just finished Divergent last night as well. Not the best book I've read but It was entertaining, I may grab the second one today.

I enjoyed Fahrenheit 451.
I have to skim this thread again for more ideas, good stuff in here. I've been reading like crazy the past year. I'm almost OCD if I don't have a book going. :D I'm not terribly picky, most stuff catches my interest. That being said, there have been a couple that I have checked in early. So at least I don't feel like I have to suffer through to finish them. Lol

I started Dune tonight. I need bigger forearm muscles to hold it.

E-books from the library and Kindle FTW!
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Just picked up the Innovators by Isaacson about the digital revolution. I'm like Matt reading puts me to sleep esp fiction. Can usually squeak out a few chapters of non-fiction before woken up by a book hitting the floor
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