James Pearl Thinks Blogging is Dead

I will respond to comments at some point. In my history of blogging I have occasionally responded to comments. Almost without fail, those posts fall flat. I will say that I do take the time to read all the comments. But often times the comment-reply posts don't get much air play. I'll try to keep them topical or interesting if I do go that route.

The kids were off school today because of the snow. They also have a delayed opening tomorrow because of the snow. As you can see, the kids exhibit insane amounts of exuberance when they get a snow day:


Eventually I got them out of the house and we went sledding. It was my "non work thing" to do of the day. So this is something I have been trying to make a point of doing in the past 6+ weeks. As the fall wound down, I actually kept a notebook of things I did that did not involve working or just sitting at home. So getting out of the house for a bike ride counts. Trainer rides do not. This is an effort to make sure that I disconnect from work to some extent. Work was so busy (still is) that I would find myself basically working from waking up until going to bed, with minimal breaks between. Somewhere in there, I would just get on the trainer for 30 minutes to check that box and be done with it. At some point, I told myself I needed to do something, anything, to get out of that pattern.

So today was sledding. Yesterday I went to Hilltop to pick up some wheels that @jimvreeland built for me. And so on. While I do not always do "something" I at least have it in my head that I should try. In the end the sledding was moderately fun. The weather was brutal, with temps just above 20 and the wind blowing sideways. After sledding I rode the trainer where keeping up 200w was like giving birth to a pain baby. I think I ended up with a 199 something-or-other power on the ride. It was a good, hard ride.

So here is what I did this summer when the weather was insanely hot. I didn't look at the weather. I am doing the same now - not looking at the weather. I just wake up and it is what it is. Nothing says "I am not living in the moment" when you stare at the 10 day forecast all the time. On a similar note, who thinks about what they are having for dinner in 7 days? Nobody, that's who. The only time you do that is if you are having people over. Likewise, don't even look at the weather until it's time to care about it. What I learned from this experience this past summer is that it makes life so much more enjoyable not to have to add this thing you have zero control of to your plate.

I don't know what that has to do with anything. But I am looking at you, @rlb...

So in the thought pattern of "doing things" it does bring up that thread I started last year, well a year ago, about the 12 things. Honestly it quickly because apparent that it was too much to keep up with, and that frankly none of those things were really very challenging to make happen. So it kind of fell off the radar. There were a few things we wanted to do (ahem, bike Manhattan, calling @jmanic) but by-and-large (Large Marge?) we did a lot of the things we wanted to do.

This year, I am obviously trying to write more. And read more. And do non-work things every day. I have been hankering for a good, long road ride lately. Maybe when I wake up tomorrow and look out the window, it'll be a perfect day for it.
If you can be flexible, I think the weather forecast helps a lot. Work more in the rain, do chores in the cold or heat, and have fun outside when it's nice. But that's only if it works for your lifestyle. Some people have really rigid work schedules and children though. Then it is what it is.
Some people have really rigid work schedules and children though.

That’s my life... although my boss will let me go for a road ride during work a couple of times of year if it’s really nice! And now I have to chose between Zac’s basketball games or go to the gym...
The draw to your writing is that it starts other topics. Hearing/writing about newspaper delivery from a different time was great - just a quick reminisce, and it even had to do with bikes. It was a natural spin-off of your original topic. We could have talked about heating oil......which doesn't burn well unless atomized.

The work pattern you describe is very familiar. The computer is always there, the problems are always there. The work list never gets shorter - because it would always be nice to have two more features. And there are plenty of people thinking about new features, and not enough implementing them. One of my things was logistics of long running queries - predicting when they would finish, so they could be checked/corrected, then either repaired, or advance to the next step. 1am and 4am seemed to be common. Easy when kids aren't involved.

Just heard the plow go by. Delayed opening here also. The only time the door opened yesterday, was to throw the cat outside for 5 minutes. On the "leeward" side of course.
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When you really think about it...The weather only really sucks around here maybe 3 full weeks out of every year....So this will be one out of the way...and its come at the perfect time.
You should be working on planning our ski trip.
I don't know what that has to do with anything. But I am looking at you, @rlb...

Ha I haven't looked at the forecast in a while, I know it's going to be cold. Full disclosure, I stumbled upon that grill picture today and it triggered some nostalgia. It was a hopeful and exciting time, which also happened to be spring. While things are still hopeful and exciting they are a bit rutty at the moment, which is not unlike the middle of winter. It was my first realization that we have x more weeks of this crap, and I sometimes wonder why we put up with it. Even in the dead of summer you can sit out in the deck most nights and enjoy it, while (for me anyway) enjoying the outdoors in the winter means dealing with more discomfort.

But that's not reality, and your point stands. The weather "is what it is", no getting around it. Get out there or don't. I actually enjoyed the rides I've done so far this winter. The snow is the game changer in terms of trails not being as rideable and the road is much more challenging with little to no shoulder in many places. But I'm preaching to the choir.

You don't make a rough game plan if what you're eating for the week before you go food shopping?
I used to live by the forecasts - and wanted to be a meteorologist. Now...meh. I really only look at it because there are no windows in my school and I have no idea what is going on outside.
I used to live by the forecasts - and wanted to be a meteorologist. Now...meh. I really only look at it because there are no windows in my school and I have no idea what is going on outside.
The school system really is designed to just create a new generation of factory workers isn't it.
I am not crazy about the weather but I do follow it. Since I ride first thing in the morning, I put out all my crap the night before, including bike selection. Sometimes I switch in the AM (like yesterday, thought it would be snowing but switched to the road bike because I knew the next few days would be mtb only due to temps and conditions.
Das Weekend in Review

So after texting extensively (or a few times) with @jmanic, we have decided that the best general cadence for this blog is Sunday through Thursday evening. Some time ago, I read that in order to have a successful blog you need to be predictable. To use a cliche, my blogging is predictable in its total and complete unpredictability. I will attempt to change that and bring some form of routine to this-here ramshackle of an entertainment vehicle. In "the industry" they call this a cadence. Cadence - I hate that word. In particular, it is because a shop we use often uses the word "cadence" as well as the expression "true up" to propagate their total bullshit manner of (not actually) doing work.

Friday night

We hit up spin class then went to a friend's surprise 40th birthday party. When we got there, they had this setup & waiting for us. We were told to make ourselves at home, so we did. We saw a bunch of the old High Gear crew there and we ended up staying until almost midnight. We did not turn into pumpkins, though that is pushing the limits of how late we can stay up these days.

Breaking out the food pics for @Glenn Rides After 4 PM CST, who has the best username on the board right now.



Saturday we slept in and contemplated skiing, but in the end we hopped in the car and went for a 5 mile snow hike up at Mohunk. We brought lights because we started late but in the end we got back to the car just as the sun was setting. It was a beautiful day out, and while it was cold, as long as we were out of the wind we were bundled up plenty to stay warm. It was a great way to enjoy the outdoors on brutally cold day.


Then we grabbed some Turkish dinner in New Paltz before driving home. Bring on the meat!



We hit up the gym and spin class, where I put in a really solid effort. Overall on the week I ended up with 8:20 between the various forms of biking under a roof and walking in the snow outside. Solid week, especially given the temps out there. After spin @Dominique did a yoga class while I went to get coffee and read the paper.

After the gym we grabbed some brunch in Basking Ridge. Yeah this is lobster eggs benedict.


Rest of the day was spent doing things around the house, cleaning up, some work, firewood, laundry, watching tv, etc. Solid weekend overall.

Books & Movies & Reading

This weekend I finished reading Underground Railroad by Colson Whitehead. Read it, it's good. I think as you get older, you start to think about things differently. This is one of those things.

We also watched the Netflix original What Happened to Monday. This is a little overly dystopian-brutal. I don't know if I would recommend this one.

Finally, I would recommend reading the piece about the NYC subway in the Times Magazine this weekend. Very well-written. And regardless of your politics, this is the kind of stuff that has actual meat in it. It's nice to read something now and again that doesn't need to be explained in 3 sentences or less.
First order or business, where do I go for lobster eggs benedict?

The corporate jargon is unbearable sometimes. My company has an initiative that is essentially people throwing buzzwords around an abstract concept. There was a "lunch and learn" (add that one to the list) where the main person behind this initiative used the phrase "linear parallels".

From http://www.atrixnet.com/bs-generator.html:

Nice food p0rn.
Lobster Bennie looks tasty.
If you head back up to New Paltz, let me know. Some really great gems up there for food.
And you'll be bringing me back beer.
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