Since AIM is being put to sleep in a couple months...

I had a few


Capedoc (with some numbers at the end)


spelled backwards: rubberbandball

you know i googled, and it came up with rubber band ball and i didn't even thing twice about it. #MAJORFAIL
esp when there were only two results.....
The rubberband ball is a long and "old grumpy" guy story. (This ain't the story) I must have tried 40 names and was coming up short, saw my rubberband ball and THAT was already taken, so I typed it in backwards...Bob's your uncle.
The rubberband ball is a long and "old grumpy" guy story. (This ain't the story) I must have tried 40 names and was coming up short, saw my rubberband ball and THAT was already taken, so I typed it in backwards...Bob's your uncle.

it is time for another story......
I am just sad because I just realized I have been at one company for the entire lifespan of AIM
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