Worst Bike Dream/Nightmare


was reading Bicycling Mag yesterday about peoples Biking dreams.. One guy dreams he is riding underwater and being chased by Sponge Bob, and he cant breath because he will drown. Got me rembering my reoccurring nightmare of sitting riding but I kept falling sideways left and right no matter how fast I went.. but the twist is I wake up putting my hands out to my side to catch my self.. What is that?
Got me rembering my reoccurring nightmare of sitting riding but I kept falling sideways left and right no matter how fast I went.. but the twist is I wake up putting my hands out to my side to catch my self.. What is that?

Sounds like a classic frustration dream - mine is having to run away from something or someone and being completely uncoordinated and falling down with legs like rubber. I usually wake up from this dream kicking my legs.

I have two biking dreams that occur with a modicum of frequency. The first one is me riding, fast, usually on my mountain bike but on the road, and suddenly, the handlebars come loose and lift up off the bike, the seatpost rattles apart and every nut and bolt on the bike loosens. The bike is intact but a poorly built, rattling and unrideable imitation of itself, yet I am already riding so fast that I cannot stop so I am forced to try to control a bike that has no means by which to make it do what I want it too...

The second dream is by far much cooler. I am riding around at night in a futuristic cityscape. I can ride up the sides of buildings and jump across the gap of the alleys, seemingly fly over bridges and float over cars like its a giant playground where no matter how hard or fast or daring I ride, I cannot get hurt but still have a thrill. I usually wake up feeling a little breathless, yet very, very well rested.

Unfortunately Dream 2 has not visited me for a while. Dream 1 is more common these days.
Sounds like a classic frustration dream - mine is having to run away from something or someone and being completely uncoordinated and falling down with legs like rubber. I usually wake up from this dream kicking my legs.

I have two biking dreams that occur with a modicum of frequency. The first one is me riding, fast, usually on my mountain bike but on the road, and suddenly, the handlebars come loose and lift up off the bike, the seatpost rattles apart and every nut and bolt on the bike loosens. The bike is intact but a poorly built, rattling and unrideable imitation of itself, yet I am already riding so fast that I cannot stop so I am forced to try to control a bike that has no means by which to make it do what I want it too...

The second dream is by far much cooler. I am riding around at night in a futuristic cityscape. I can ride up the sides of buildings and jump across the gap of the alleys, seemingly fly over bridges and float over cars like its a giant playground where no matter how hard or fast or daring I ride, I cannot get hurt but still have a thrill. I usually wake up feeling a little breathless, yet very, very well rested.

Unfortunately Dream 2 has not visited me for a while. Dream 1 is more common these days.

I like Dream 2.. I want that one. Dream 1 sounds familer, I am sure I had something with breaks going or wheel coming off, those dreams are harsh.
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