Trail Maintenance July 16th Lewis Morris


A strong 7
Folks, reminder that our July Trail Maintenance date is this
> Saturday at Lewis Morris. 8:15, Sunrise Lake Boathouse.
> Directions at
> We are having another banner year of volunteer hours this year,
> thanks to your help. If you haven't chipped in yet this year, and
> you like to ride Lewis Morris, you owe it to yourself and fellow
> trail enthusiasts to do so at least once before the winter. All
> the trail work that's been done in the park over the past 3 years
> is from volunteers, and we can always use more help.
> On a related note, the MTC had a great night ride last Saturday at
> Mahlon. 20 miles, lots of technical riding, saw a bear, got
> rained on for 10 minutes, dried out just in time for the cooler
> temps at dusk. One mechanical (a ride-stopping one,
> unfortunately) for one of our riders, but overall a blast. Hope
> you can make the next one in August. Stay tuned.
> As for this Saturday, so we know whom to expect, may I have a show
> of hands as to who is planning to make it this weekend?
> Thanks
> Greg Murray
> Morris Trails Conservancy &
> JORBA Lewis Morris Chapter

The catch is you need to volunteer for trail maintenance or other activities to participate. Go to - there is a Lewis Morris Chapter and an Allamuchy Chain Gang Chapter.
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